Ron Gilbert, the creator of "The Secret of Monkey Island" and "MI2: LeChuck's Revenge" left the Monkey Island project after the second one in the series, so Larry Ahern and Jonathan Ackley took over. Therefore, the explanation that the two new project leaders invented was not what the original creator had in mind.
That being said, the surrealistic ending of MI2 was explained in CMI to basically have been a voodoo spell LeChuck set on Guybrush, leading to the illusion that he was a child in a carnival. He escaped from Monkey Island and broke the voodoo spell put on him by his arch-nemesis, winding up on the shores of Plunder Island in the midst of a battle between his love, Elaine, and LeChuck.
The ending to MI2 has never been fully explained, not even by Ron Gilbert, who has only dropped hints as to how it should be interpreted; a great deal of ambiguity remains, however, and CMI attempted to clear up most of it with their own interpretation.
That being said, the surrealistic ending of MI2 was explained in CMI to basically have been a voodoo spell LeChuck set on Guybrush, leading to the illusion that he was a child in a carnival. He escaped from Monkey Island and broke the voodoo spell put on him by his arch-nemesis, winding up on the shores of Plunder Island in the midst of a battle between his love, Elaine, and LeChuck.
The ending to MI2 has never been fully explained, not even by Ron Gilbert, who has only dropped hints as to how it should be interpreted; a great deal of ambiguity remains, however, and CMI attempted to clear up most of it with their own interpretation.
This was just a joke put in from the writers. There isn't really any good explanation for it; one explanation referenced the Secret of Monkey Island, where Guybrush uses the porcelain vase whilst battling Sheriff Shinetop. However, he did not mind porcelain in MI2, so continuity doesn't seem to play a big role in it.
Lemonhead reappears as the apparent leader of the Blood Island cannibals; he explains why they left Monkey Island in the game, but never specifically says what happens to the other two. There are two other cannibals during the volcano ceremony, so those could be the ones from the first game who simply changed masks. Either way, it is never directly stated.
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