i gave this movie an 8 out of 10 rating, but now that i think about it, it deserves at least a nine. it is one of those movies that, once it's over, you're not quite sure what you think about it. and then, about 10 minutes later, you realize it's really, really good.
aside from thornton and ritter, the cast is fairly low-profile, but there's no lack of talent here. as for the script, the film is a well-written homage to poorly-written film noir private dick movies from the 30s & 40s, but at the same time does not detract from its (the movie's) main plot.
and, in the tradition of poorly-written film noir private dick movies, it has some lines that are so bad they're good, like
"How can I hold anything against you when you hold me against you?"
basically, if you want to feel good without that cheesy disney aftertaste, rent this movie.