- Agnes Stouffer: If you boys have been throwing any more firecrackers in my pool again, I'm gonna beat your butts until your nose bleeds!
- Donna Jo: You guys are great. There's no way we'd see guys doing stuff like this at the University. Damn, all the boys do there is study or throw footballs. It takes an imaginative guys to think of something like this. The kind of guy who'd consider shooting out streetlights, quality entertainment. The kind of guy who'd risk his little brother's life for some stupid race. Don't be an asshole, Marty.
- Marty Stouffer: You're right, Donna Jo. It was stupid. It's a dumb idea all the way around.
- Donna Jo: Grow up! And when you do, give us a call.
- Marty Stouffer: [standing up to Mark] What's this? You're Marshall's protector? From asshole to angel? I must have missed the great transformation!
- Sarah, a British Hippy Girl: [gesturing her body in a sexy behavior] Devonshire cream: The creamiest cream.
- Mark Stouffer: They paid you for that.
- Sarah, a British Hippy Girl: It's not so easy. You try it with a camera in your face, and a cow sniffing around your bum.
- Leon: [fantisizing with the clouds] I'm thinking dinosaur.
- Marshall Stouffer: Rabbit lying down.
- Leon: Could be a hog head. Big old skunk. Or a turtle. Chevy bumper.
- Marshall Stouffer: [narrating] Leon had been in the Air Force with my dad. They used to patch up fighter planes, then Dad would take them up and test them. After the war, he followed my dad home, and lived with us ever since.
- Leon: [still trying to make out what a cloud looks like] Bushel Basket. Gold spud. Nope, definitely a rabbit lying down.
- Marshall Stouffer: [about his older brothers] They were most dangerous when they had a camera in their hands. They had a camera in their hands a lot.