Like most users here commented, Warriors of Virtue had wonderful production design, but the story leaves something to be desired. Maybe it's because of how the writers "kiddy-fied" the story. The action is typical of what you may see from some Hong Kong movies. There's the incredible feats of stunts like jumping tall buildings in a single bound, running over water, and high-powered martial arts. You should especially see the beginning of the movie how chef Ming cooks. It's all done with a semi-slow mo technique. Unfortunately, someone must have a terrible obsession over this technique because you see this way too frequently and in the presence of many falling leaves. Thus, after a while it really gets tiring. The production is pretty good for indoor sets. The production people creates a convincingly large army. It's too bad the story just lack the punch and simply relies on action (slow-mo action at that).
The verdict: 2.5 of 5 stars.