There are so many stories to milk out of Austin, a collection of proud weirdos, college students, wannabe artists of every type, computer businessmen, bohemians, film buffs, and drunk football fans. This was particularly true in 1997, before many places were torn down to build more modern buildings. If you don't believe this, rent Richard Linklater's "Slacker", shot only a few years before. Unfortunately someone assembled a group of very unfunny 'comedians' who had little to do with the spirit of Austin; they were so nasty, rude, uncreative and trashy that they felt more like from Waco, Texas, or even as far way as Southeastern Pennsylvania. The show was dull and was conceived at the height of poser cynicism in the mid-to-late-90s, the same attitude that eventually backfired and led to the overly brainless assembly-line pop culture that followed in the ensuing decade (Backstreet Boys, anyone?). This tired, empty poser sarcasm made all the "Austin Stories" characters unwatchable. And where's Austin in all of this? There's only some establishing shots from around the campus of The University of Texas and quick shots of downtown, but very little otherwise suggesting that the characters are in The Live Music Capital of the World. Heck, I'm in some of those establishing shots, and I am still complaining! Twelve years have passed, so it is not like this is something that you will catch on TV. But don't go out of your way trying to rent "Austin Stories" or downloading it.