A Goofy Movie (1995)
Jim Cummings: Pete
[Goofy and Pete settle into a hot tub at a motel]
Pete : So, uh, you and your son seem to be getting along just hunky-dorey, huh?
Goofy : Yeah, it's been great. You know, it's funny, but none of your techniques worked for me. The harder I tried the worse it got. Once I eased up, things just clicked.
Pete : Oh, that's swell. So, uh, no problems then, huh?
Goofy : Not a one.
Pete : [sighs] I... I just hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, uh...
Goofy : What is it, Pete?
Pete : Your kid's dupin' ya.
Goofy : What do you mean?
Pete : Well, I heard the little mutant telling PJ that he changed the map so... you're headin' straight to L.A., pal.
Goofy : [shocked] What?
Pete : Oh, you tried, Goof. He's just a bad kid, that's all.
Goofy : I don't believe you.
Pete : What?
Goofy : I don't believe you, Pete.
Pete : Well, hey, don't take my word for it. Check your map.
Goofy : I don't need to check the map. I trust my son.
[Goofy climbs out of the tub]
Goofy : You know, maybe Max isn't all the things that you think a son should be, but... he loves me.
Pete : [irritably] Hey, *my* son *respects* me.
Goofy : Yeah...
[Goofy leaves]
Pete : [calling after him] Check the map, Goof!
Pete : If you keep 'em under your thumb, they'll never end up in the gutter.
Pete : Since we're all being palsy-walsy, how about letting me hook up the RV?
Goofy : Well...
Pete : Oh, it's just a tiny little extension cord, you won't even notice it.
Goofy : Oh, okay.
Pete : Great. P.J.!
[P.J. comes hauling a huge extension cord]
Pete : Hey, Goof, why don't you order us a pizza? This could take a while.
Pete : Come over here, honey. It's picture time.
Photo Studio Girl : Peek a boo!
Pete : She's so cute.
Photo Studio Girl : Peek a boo!
[Pete spots her, and grabs her]