Based on the true story of Chris Mallard, who died in 1972 from cancer. The story around which the film revolves was written by him while he was ill. Chris Millard's real-life parents visited the movie set during filming.
The Four Diamonds movie has aired only once on Disney Channel in 1995 but has never seen the release of VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, or on Digital Download and it is now considered a lost and forgotten Disney Channel movie. It's unknown if Disney Channel will ever officially release this movie to the pubic.
This was the only Disney made for TV film to have mild swearing as Tony says "pissed off" when he and Chris are watching the ballgame on TV.
The Four Diamonds 1995 film is one of the Disney Channel films to not be released on Disney Plus. It's unknown if this film became lost in the Disney Vault as it only aired on Disney Channel once in 1995.
The story written by Christopher Millard became the inspiration for the charity organization "4 Diamonds", started by his parents following his death. The charity benefits children with pediatric cancer. "4 Diamonds" is the sole beneficiary of Penn State University's THON fundraiser. The 48 hour no sitting/sleeping marathon is the largest student run philanthropy in the world.