At the end of the movie, the two main characters are on the sidewalk talking, and a New York trash can jumps back and forth all around them between shots.
Patrick's hair in the first front-stoop conversation.
In the final scene of the movie, while the two main characters are on the sidewalk talking to each other, a New York trash can jumps back and forth all around them, depending on the camera angle.
The bags that Audry is holding when she embraces Barry.
When the two younger brothers (Barry and Patrick) are asking Jack if they can stay with him, Jack has a three day growth of facial hair. In the very next scene he's totally clean shaven.
When Patrick is watching Leslie walk from out his window in the beginning you can see it's a fall day then the next shot when Barry asks Patrick what are you doing you can clearly see snow covering stuff outside which means the film was shot out of sequence.
Visible in shadow when Jack is talking to Molly in their bedroom.