Working the lane amongst prostitutes, ponce's, punters and police is a very dangerous profession. Gina Dickson, a young mother in Yorkshire, is forced into prostitution to pay off her debts. Carol is a single mother who mental state is unbalanced and her time on the lane may lead her to self destruction. Rose runs the lane but she's losing her touch. Tracey is a young runaway that is hooked on drugs and is looking for love that she never got at home. Anita is a naive women looking for companionship, whether it be with a married man or with her friends. When, despite Carol's warnings, Gina discovers the worst that can happen to a woman who works the lane, Carol and her friends decide to pack it in, go legit, and form a business that will get back at the loan shark. The move from the lane to legit entangles the women in a dangerous game as their lives on the lane continues to haunt them.