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Lots of thrills, but lots of absurdity
kentashcraft23 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Although The Jackal is one of my favorite films, due to the fine acting of all the principal players (especially Diane Venora), and good direction of the action scenes, the plot contains an amazing number of outright ludicrous elements that I must protest. Taking it from the beginning: In the opening scene, a coalition of police forces storms a Moscow nightclub to arrest a Russian gang figure named Gazzi. Now, as any policeman knows, the first thing you do in an arrest is handcuff the perp. But in this case, despite their overwhelming numbers and armament, Major Koslova (Venora) and Carter Preston (Sidney Poitier), stand and argue with the guy for a few minutes while the other police stand by and do nothing. This, of course, allows Gazzi to get the jump on Koslova with a knife. Not the greatest police work. Then as Gazzi and Koslova struggle, she manages to get her gun free and shoot him. A few minutes later Preston thanks her for saving his life. His life? She was the one he was trying to kill.

For revenge, Gazzi's brother hires the Jackal (Bruce Willis) to perform an assassination of, as it turns out, the First Lady of the U.S. In the next scene, the Jackal purchases a weapon on the internet - from some sort of eBay for terrorists, it would seem. He chooses a huge Gatling gun that fires monstrous depleted uranium bullets at an advertised 1400 rounds a minute (although if you time the actual firing later in the film, it isn't even a third of that rate). Now the question is: Was he high? If you want to kill a single person the best weapon is a sniper rifle of some kind, like the one used by the Jackal in the original novel. One of those would have been infinitely easier to acquire, transport, and hide. Instead he buys a machine cannon that would be more appropriate for engaging an entire army division. Okay, dramatic license, but please.

He smuggles the giant weapon to Canada, and there he contracts a local techno-hood (Jack Black) to build him a remote controlled firing apparatus. He tells the hood he doesn't want to attract any attention, and demands that he turn over the blueprints for the thing when he is finished. Then when the hood asks him or a few thousand bucks for the plans (out of 70 million the Jackal is being paid), he takes the guy out into the woods and uses him for target practice with his weapon, leaving the corpse and several hundred somewhat unusual depleted uranium bullets for the authorities to find. How's that for not attracting attention? In the book, the Jackal kills the guy in his house and hides the body, much more credibly.

After the gruesome murder scene is quickly discovered, Preston and Declan Mulqueen (Richard Gere) fly up to Canada and locate the hood's shop, where they find the blueprints for the firing station that were so important for the Jackal to destroy, although after he'd killed Black, the Jackal seems to have decided the blueprints weren't worth going back to the shop for. This is a guy that is the absolute best at his trade? Mulqueen takes one look at the plans for the device, which had nothing to do with the weapon itself except to mount it and fire it, and immediately deduces the exact cyclic rate of the weapon's automatic fire. Brainy.

The Jackal manages to smuggle the weapon across Lake Michigan on a pleasure boat, and as he's docked at a marina he spies Mulqueen, who appears to be searching for him (Mulqueen had not yet seen him at that point). Does he try to hide, to appear inconspicuous, to keep a low profile? No, he pulls out a gun and starts firing at Mulqueen! How's that for not attracting attention? Then he has to make a screaming getaway in his van. Great plan, for someone whose success depends on not being discovered.

For her safety, Mulqueen's former lover Isabella (Mathilda May) is moved out of her house by the FBI people, who fear the Jackal may come after her. Why he might be after her is never explained (perhaps he would need a pleasantly sadistic diversion from the tedious job of planning an assassination). Rather than leave the house empty, Koslova and an FBI agent remain in it, sitting ducks. Why? At one point they realize the Jackal is probably inside the house (they were outside at the time). Do they call for backup? Do they establish a perimeter and contain him, knowing that they have him boxed in? No, of course not. They run back into the house, where the Jackal, hiding and waiting for them, kills them both. Police Work 101? In the film's climactic scene, the Jackal and Mulqueen face off in a DC Metro station in the middle of the day. The scene is a good 5 minutes long, and for the duration of it no one else (except for Isabella) appears in the station. Even assuming that all the riders had been scared away by the gunplay, it's hard to imagine that no police of any variety showed up. Maybe the director waved them out.

Considering the competence of the good guys and the bad guy, it's surprising anybody won.
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An underrated thriller undeserving of all the hate.
CuriosityKilledShawn28 April 2012
I've never understood why The Jackal has been cursed with poor reviews from pretty much everybody. From the day I saw it as a 17-year-old in January 1998 I always found it entertaining and exciting. This might be down to the fact that I have never seen the 1973 original.

Brucie plays a nameless assassin, cool as ice and utterly emotionless. Richard Gere is the only man to have seen him. He's let out of prison to assist the FBI in catching the Jackal before he takes out an uncertain high-ranking official. Willis and Gere are, for the most part, leading their own movies as they never meet until the climax. It's very interesting watching them both go about their business, Willis hatching a master plan and Gere methodically picking apart his trail and hunting him down. There is great support from Sidney Poitier and cutie-pie Diane Venora as a scarred Russian cop.

With a wide variety of brilliantly photographed locations across the US and Canada, and plot with a medium-level of complexity it's not entirely brainless viewing but not too taxing as to alienate lazy viewers. I honestly do not get why so many people hate it. Willis has done far worse films (even seen Mercury Rising?) that get off scot-free somehow, but The Jackal doesn't get off so lightly. Aside from Gere's slightly dodgy Oirish accent I have no complaints about this film. Give it a chance and you might just be entertained.
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Stop comparing the two "Jackals"... it's useless
CherryBlossomBoy23 March 2011
I had a bit of fun reading through user comments on Jackal, and there are two perpetuating issues in about 90 percent of them: 1) this "version" of "Jackal" has nothing on the original (because the original was "oh so great") 2) only idiots enjoyed this version (because its plot is silly).

My response would be: 1) the original wasn't so great either (go ahead and jump at me) 2) anybody who thinks only an idiot would enjoy silly movies is an idiot himself.

On the first point - why is even so necessary to compare remakes to originals if they can stand perfectly on their own? This one can. In fact it even has advantages over its classic predecessor, such as better editing, better cinematography and even better acting. You may think I'm holding onto a straw here by nitpicking but I'm an odd person that values the benefits of modern productions.

On the second point - if silliness (better yet stupidity) of the plot was the criteria by which to avoid the movie, I would probably have seen only about a dozen movies in my lifetime. I would have avoided Bond movies, period movies, parodies and what not. And I'd be poorer for that. So, forget silliness, it's no big deal.

Now a little on the movie itself. The plot is indeed stupid (for an in-depth analysis I recommend reading hilarious Roger Ebert's review). The cast reversal is also a bit of misfortune as Gere was initially supposed to be the Jackal. The fact that the role eventually went to Bruce Willis, together with adventuristic nature of Jackal's business, made me root for the bad guy as I never did before. He is conceived as sort of an upgraded James Bond here, being more ruthless, with drier sense of humor and taking advantage of both sexes (not only females) to his cause.

I don't know if making bad guy look good was the intention on part of the film crew, but it turned out a very subversive move for a typical Hollywood venture (making an IRA terrorist that pursues Jackal a likable guy as well is probably another one, but I wont go into that). All in all, it was a suspenseful voyage with such a good pace that you don't care about the shortcomings at the first viewing, so I say it's recommendable. There are certainly far worse ways you could waste two hours.
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Daft, noisy and senseless - but it's still quite fun
bob the moo17 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
In retaliation for the FBI war against the mob in Russian, the mob pay famous assassin Carlos the Jackal to kill a senior figure in the US government. FBI deputy director Preston discovers that the Jackal has been contracted out he contacts one of the few men who can identify him - IRA gunman Declan Mulqueen. With the Jackal moving freely within the US it is a race against time to find and stop him before he reaches his target.

Before he died, the director of "The Day of the Jackal", Zinnermann approached Universal to have the name changed so that it wouldn't be so closely associated with his own film. They didn't change it and it's easy to see what his point was. The plot of this is a bit silly and doesn't have any intelligence or subtlety. The Jackal is careful is some scenes but takes on FBI agents in others, he covers all his tracks in designing his gun, but he kills the builder and leaves the plans for the FBI to find! It doesn't totally make sense - things are tidied up too easily - Mulqueen finds the Jackal too easily when the film needs a boost of action.

Willis is OK as the Jackal but he's not totally convincing because he usually plays roles where he runs round shooting, rather than being a very clinical hitman who only fires one shot then leaves undetected. Even here he does some planning but he only looks comfortable when in running gun battles. Gere is good in an action man role (I'm not a big fan), but he has one of the worst Northern Irish accents even put on the big screen - it goes from N.Ireland to Southern Ireland and back again from one scene to the next. Poitier is a classy inclusion in the pack but doesn't have much to do but act tough beside Gere. Support is interesting, but they don't have much to do - Jack Black was great in High Fidelity, but is cannon fodder here. J.K. Simmons is amazing in Oz but is just an agent here. Venora is good despite a very heavy accent. Sophie Okonedo is beautiful as she was in various British TV series but only has a few fleeting lines of dialogue. And Leslie Phillips is wasted in such a small cameo of little significance that you wonder why he bothered.

The whole plot sits funny with me - I really don't understand why Gere's character had to be an IRA murderer. There's an early scene where he's verbally attacked by one of the FBI for killing women and children, but he's given time to defend himself. After that we all forget who he is and everyone loves him. The final act of the film left a bitter taste in my mouth (I grew up in NI), and you can't help but wonder who in America wants to promote the IRA as somehow honourable or sympathetic (also see "The Devil's Own") - I wonder if Hollywood understands now how offending it is to see terrorists displayed in this way?

Overall, it's quite fun in a brash, loud sort of way - but ultimately it'll leave you wondering what you just watched and "how did that happen" and "hang on that bit doesn't work". As a distracting blockbuster it's quite good but as a relative of 1973's "Day of the Jackal" it's an illegitimate third cousin.
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Different from the original, but still quite good
bsinc16 February 2002
I was sure this movie was going to be a disappointment, but after seeing it I have to say I was deeply wrong. Sure, the story has numerous big holes (Gere knows the operating technique of his opponent so well and down to the last detail, you'd think they used to live together from the moment they were born - total exaggeration, another example are the lame effects when he's between two trains), and Gere's dialect is way off (for some reason it didn't bother me at all), but the rest is pure action and entertainment extravaganza. Bruce Willis was a perfect choice for the Jackal and Sidney Poitier was as always amazing and really helped the atmosphere of the movie with his role. The ending was a bit short, but in my opinion necessary, because I knew what was going to happen, so why delay it. Nicely done, and great music. 7/10
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I was rooting for the bad guy!
ryanwinning118 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Never have I ever wanted the bad guy to succeed more in a movie than in the Jackal! Bruce Willis plays the assassin hired by the biggest gangster in all of Russia. The Jackal is this international assassin who's cool as a cucumber no matter who he's dealing with and is not the least bit intimidated by the Russian Mob Boss who he makes a deal with for an insane amount of money. Bruce Willis's character is constantly changing identities like the bad guy version of the saint. One of the coolest assassins I've ever seen played out. As you can guess the most disappointing part of this movie is that the lame good guys somehow stop this super-cool and dubious villain from his mission. I believe Matthew McCoughnahay would say "It'd be a lot cooler if he got away with it!" Great movie anyways.
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Tension,action packed and man hunt in this thriller with good playing by the main cast
ma-cortes29 November 2006
The picture deals the known history about Jackal.Bruce Willis stars as an ice cold series killer,he's employed by the Russian Mafia wants avenge for a FBI intervention in its issues and his target is allegedly killing FBI's chief. Jackal is an unknown man and he's solely known by a convict terrorist from IRA named Declan(Richard Gere).He's given a bargain by an experienced FBI official(Sidney Poitier)and his group(Diane Venora,J.K.Simmons) and the chase,the manhunt, is on to find the vicious killer escaped with ominous purports.They team up to catch the biggest world hired murderer.Declan contacts with an ex-ETA terrorist(Mathilda May)who had a deep relationship with Jackal.Meanwhile the unemotional murderer is preparing the hired assassination and buys technological weapon to an arms-crafter(Jack Black)what are experimented in alive(in similar scenes from the first version with Cryl Cusak).

The picture contains lots of action,suspenseful,past paced thriller,intrigue,tension but at times it seems too similar to another action films.Agreeable chemistry between Richard Gere and Sidney Poitier along with excellent action sequences like as the breathtaking final game in the subway are someone of the worthwhile items in this rehash from the classical Day of Jackal.Willis,Gere and Poitier,the trio protagonist, make a solid portrayal of their characters backed by a splendid secondary casting. The film is based in Frederick Forsyth's best selling novel of political intrigue previously adapted successful by Fred Zinnemann with Edward Fox.However here is quite different,but the target is political ,the general Charles de Gaulle by the OAS(terrorist organization anti-independence Algeria),while in this film is apparently the FBI's director. Colorful cinematography with beautiful locations by Karl Walter Lindenlaub and enjoyable music by Carter Burwell .The motion picture is regularly directed by Michael Caton Jones.
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Bruce Willis got a big … Gun!
t_atzmueller26 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It took a friend a lot of convincing to make me see "The Jackal". After all, the original "Day of the Jackal" remains one of my all-time favorites and since I'm not particularly fond of remakes, I gave this film a skip for many years. However, there come those days of 'nothing else on TV, so what the hell' and must admit, the remake isn't half-bad.

Edward Fox is one of my favorite on screen-assassins, having played his role so convincing, that it was frightening. His passionless killing-machine made him look less human than Arnies Terminator and, seeing the "Day of the Jackal" as a kid, the thought that people like this could actually exist, gave me the creeps. Other than his strange stage-crooner-persona of 'Bruno', Bruce Willis' Jackal may well be the most unusual Willis you've seen to date. Let's speak honest: Bruce is a character whom everybody likes to watch on screen – but a thespian with a great repertoire he's not. Willis seems to try and 'out-Herod' Edward Foxes psychopath from the original – and does a remarkable job. At times his performance is eerie, indeed having the evil glare of a jackal.

It's a nice nod to the original (where it is not only left open whether the Jackal was hetero-, homo-, bi-sexual or something completely different) that there are hints that Willis' Jackal may actually be gay. This is not meant to sound demeaning but a gay Bruce Willis is like, let me think, a straight Bruno (the Sasha Baron Cohen Bruno, not Willis' alter-ego). While Edward Fox slept with victims of both sexes, Willis is only once seen seducing a future victim, in this case a male politician. But more so, during the few moments where we see the supposed real personality (if something like this exists) of the Jackal, there's something distinctly feminine about the character. One example would be when he kills Major Koslova, the other, more poignant, when he receives the call that the contract is off while taking a bath and sipping on Rose wine (also a remarkable scene because Willis manages to do all the acting with his eyes alone).

To speak of the 'supporting' roles (because a film with Bruce Willis, other than "Pulp Fiction" only has one real star): all fine as you'd expect from veterans like Richard Gere (despite the cringe-worthy accent), Sidney Poitier (sadly, one of his last few screen-appearances), JK Simmons, Tess Harper or Jack Black (according to rumors, the audience was cheering him being shot to bits, with people remarking "wish this would happen in every film he's in").

Of course the movie has weaknesses and plot-holes that are bigger than that Freudian nightmare which is the Jackals gun. For the life of me I still don't understand how the ex-terrorist Isabella Zanconia could have aided with the capture of the Jackal. But so what? In the end, this is a "boy's movie": boys who like big guns and dramatic action-scenes involving helicopters, car-chases and big guns. Boys who like loud, snappy techno-soundtracks accompanying Bruce Willis firing big guns. Boys who like to watch Jack Black being obliterated by a big gun. In short, boys like you and me – and despite still not being very fond of remakes, I can honestly say that I liked "The Jackal". "Doesn't have to be caviar all the time", goes a saying – sometimes a burger from greasy McDs will do, just as there are times for a no-brainer like "The Jackal".

7 generous points out of 10, because giving points doesn't cost money.
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Good thriller, if you don't compare with the original.
searchanddestroy-117 July 2022
The main purpose of this movie is to show Bruce Willis in a villain character, the very first of his career. He will do a few more, later, in the late 2010's, in direct to DVDs craps. I like this Michael Caton Jones feature, it is a fast paced action movie, tense, on the condition you don't compare with the Zinneman's feature of course. I was waiting for a face to face between Gere and Willis, I found it very interesting, exciting and I was not deceived. But I still don't know what Sid Poitier, already an old timer, did in this film. But he's good, as usual. And for the first time in his career, he doesn't play a Black man role; his character could have been played by a Chinese, Arab, White actor. Poitier who, all long his life, symbolized the Civil Rights fight. The best moments are when Willis kills people, watch out for this face; he is absolutely exquisite.
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Poor remake, okay as a stand alone
Leofwine_draca18 September 2021
I saw this back in the day. Unrecognisable from THE DAY OF THE JACKAL, of course, and not a patch on it, but serviceable enough for a late 1990s suspense/action/thriller. You can tell Willis is really enjoying something other than his jaded action star role and the Jack Black scene is worth the price of admission alone.
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Tense, fast-paced, but sort of ordinary suspense thriller
mstomaso27 March 2005
You can't really approach this as a remake of the classic 'The Day of The Jackal.' Though broadly similar, the entire feel of the two films is incomparable. And suspense thrillers are all about "the feel" aren't they?

The story is pretty standard fair - a super villain assassin (Willis) is going to make a big kill using a huge weapon and leaving a trail of bodies along the way. Gere, an IRA soldier (jailed for "terrorism") is brought on as consultant because he is one of the few people who has seen 'the Jackal", and given a few vague promises in exchange for his help. As it turns out, Gere has more than just knowledge - he has a vendetta. Poitier oversees Gere and the investigation of Willis, and comes to realize that Gere is the only hope of stopping him.

I like Sidney Poitier, Bruce Willis and Richard Gere, so I was predisposed to like this film. I was neither very surprised nor disappointed. The Jackal is entertaining and the performances are strong. Poitier is always a class act, and Willis and Gere have terrific anti-chemistry. There's nothing wrong with the cinematography or directing, and the pace of the film, though a little breathless, is fine. Regardless, the story-line never reached much beyond the ordinary thriller fare. Making a truly great thriller requires either doing something really original (very hard to do) or using a truly inspired script. This film's script is decent, but the story line could have used a little more careful thought and a bit more complexity.
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A fine action movie. Strong cast and excellent story line
jupiters-250-81384427 February 2015
I had seen some fairly negative reviews about this film and as the "Day of the Jackal" is very high in my estimation, I was expecting to watch something less than excellent. I was astounded to find that "The Jackal" is at least as good and in some respects better. The production values greatly transform the film; the budget was well spent and the result is total credibility. A strong cast helps; Willis is brilliant as the cold, chameleon-like central character. Poitier and of course Gere are equally superb. Jack Black is at home with the role of technological wizard; who of course has an Achilles heel; as his hippy, cool persona reveals. Highly recommended.
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Lacks the compelling simplicity of the original
mungflesh19 March 2019
I like this movie but it's not in the same league as the original.

Declan is an unnecessary addition. He feels like Sean Connery's role in The Rock, but with a big question mark hanging over him. Have the FBI not heard of identikits? His existence in the movie just makes the FBI's involvement a joke.

Secondly, the love story between Declan and the Basque lady is the movie's low point. In an attempt to set the remake aside from the original, this horribly contrived relationship exists to tie the plot together in all the wrong ways; very lame.

Bruce Willis is, for my money, not terribly convincing as the Jackal. The cold, calculating Jackal from the original now feels a bit more 'tough guy' and 'loose cannon' rather than clinical ice-man. He's not awful but feel a better choice could have been made in casting.

On a general level, the pacing is not all that bad and there are a few decent set pieces (including one particularly good visceral moment which wakes you up) and Sidney Poitier plays well as his stereotypical by-the-book agent.

But as for the finale, the original can boast one of the greatest climaxes in movie history. No spoilers, but don't expect Jackal 1997 to be anywhere close to as thrilling.
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A mixed bag of good and weak points.
Alex-Tsander2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a re-make of "The Day of The Jackal" this movie succeeds in updating the setting without completely destroying the character. As so many re-makes tend to do. Here we find the historical and geo-political context totally changed but there is successfully conveyed the sense of an urgent hunt for one dangerous, faceless force of doom.

The technical aspects are among the best features. The cannon is for me the true star of the movie. Willis's multiple identities make for the other star feature. Also his portrayal of the psychopath's obsessional attention to detail and determination to make his lethal "toy" fulfil it's dreadful promise. Check out that look in his eyes in the climactic park scene as he wiggles his "joy" stick.

These things allowed, there is one blundering and grossly offensive feature. Gere's character could have been any terrorist from an imaginary outfit or assassin or foreign agent, who happened to know about the "Jackal". Why make him a "hero" out of the IRA? This is yet another manifestation of Hollywood's liberal mind-set dabbling in things of which they have not the glimmering of an understanding. As a UK citizen I have seen plenty of IRA and UDA thugs dragged out into the daylight. Fat tattooed men with twisted faces, scruffy facial hair and mullet hair-cuts. There never was one who could by the remotest stretch of the imagination be likened to a suave sex-bomb like Richard Gere. When one of the FBI agents suggests that his "war" took the lives of women and children rather than "British" soldiers he declares that he never got involved in such things. That is a statement every bit as ridiculous as if it were uttered by one of Osama Bin Laden's lieutenants! Can you imagine Richard Gere at a meeting planning the Manchester city centre bombing, saying to his "colleagues" "Aw, I'm sorry, I 'll have to sit it out on this one, chaps, this isn't my way of fighting a war." And, incidentally, Ulster has been a constitutional part of the British Isles for five hundred years ( twice as long as the U.S.A has existed ). Please note, Hollywood, the Northern Irish ARE British. Moreover, the use of the expression "British" to refer to the English ( which would have been what he meant ) is a uniquely American error.

There are also numerous "howlers" in the story. For example, if destroying the plans is so important to the assassin, why does he go off and leave them laying about to be discovered? When the gangster falls dead in the car-park, what happens to the body? Where did Gere's pistol come from in the final scenes? Why did the Jackal wait for the FBI to arrive before opening fire on the intended victim? Why, when they knew who it was and that he was there, did they not simply postpone the opening? Why were there no police or security arriving in the Metro station ( apart from the one killed )?

These things aside, a good set of cliff-hangers and one excellent and novel twist, a play on our assumptions, at the end.
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Fast paced crime
spamobile11 July 2011
Not sure why this movie seems so low rated, it's well worth a view ! It's fast paced with a number of strong actors and characters portrait very well by them. Maybe the story is not entirely believable, it seems that some leads are obtained a bit too easy, but does that matter? It's just great, action packed, clever, and if you like crime it should keep you on the edge of your chair. No, it's not like the original but I don't think the makers set out to do this. It would have been a crime to do that actually as the original is in it's own an excellent movie and remakes are most of the time disappointing. Go watch it, buy the DVD!
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Worth a Watch if you like the Genre
clubsamwich11 January 2020
I can see why this film would get a lot of bad reviews. The plot is not spectacular, the script is pretty weak, the foreign accents are not convincing and the acting could use some work. Having said all that I think it is an enjoyable movie to watch if you're into the thriller genre when the bad guy is a master assassin. The most entertaining parts of the film that really carry the whole production are the scenes with The Jackal displaying his expertise. The identities he uses, the underground networks and systems utilised to find the information and hardware required to accomplish his task. This is what this film has that makes it worth watching. Similar to the Bourne films but from the perspective of the bad guy.
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Honest Review
myimdbdatabase27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I would give this movie a higher score but I think the ending is just god awful. Like why does the chick just appear out of nowhere and shoot Bruce Willis in the neck? Like what? Give us a decent fight at least geez.
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Good but I wanted Willis to win
armo_85222 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS I liked this film. OK at times it seemed to go along quite slowly but every scene with Bruce Willis was electrifying. For this reason I found myself wanting The Jackal to succeed in his assassination attempt. This is obviously not what the film should be doing, leaving the audience wanting the antagonist to win the day but there just seemd to be no empathy with the other characters.

Richard Gere's character's emotion at the death of Diane Venora was totally uncalled for. They only actually spoke properly in a conversation once in the film. And anyway he would not be the first to approach her, he's a convict for heavens sake! I also hated the ending with his old bird saving him. She would never have been there. And in the chase prior to that why didn't Willis just turn round and kill Gere in the tunnel. He's a killer and excellent shot, as he proved earlier. There was no need to run off because it was only Gere chasing him, not an army of men.

However Jack Black's torture was sublime and by far the best scene in the film. And as I said before every scene with Willis in, bar the resolution was first rate. Enjoyable action fare overrall.
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This film deserves a more honest look
rene203026 January 2012
Yeah, I know, it is so easy to bash this film as so many of you have done.

It's a thriller that doesn't stand out in it's genre, pretty easy to watch but not more than that. It has a high profile cast including Bruce Willis, Richard Gere and a couple of very very decent actors slash actresses like J.K. Simmons, Diane Venora and so on, so nothing wrong with that. A more than decent director in Michael Caton-Jones, who does his best with the material he's got and doing a good job at it. Sadly he has to work with a script that has potholes the size of Hummers H3 in it, so it's easy to see why this film doesn't work the way it's supposed to.

but!!!! If you have read some of the novels written by Robert Ludlum (may God rest his soul) you will have picked up some of the vibe he has put in most of his novels, putting the Jason Bourne Trilogy upfront. And just to be clear about it, I'm not talking about the miniseries starring Richard Chamberlain and also not even mentioning the Matt Damon movies (although those were really cool) but the original novels as Mr. Ludlum intended them to be. If you have these novels in the back of your head and are a fan of them you will find this movie pretty enjoyable to watch although the execution of this movie has some problems in staying believable.

It is in general a pretty normal thriller with (Í'm sorry to say) some mayor flaws. But I can't escape the feeling that the script (allthough adapted from an apparent classic of which I haven't yet had the pleasure of watching) was written in the mindset of an all-out genius Robert Ludlum-vibe, which I picked up on immediately and enjoyed very much.
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The Good & The Bad Of 'The Jackal'
ccthemovieman-110 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A almost-typical modern-day crime film in which a hired killer goes after a political figure and the FBI tries to stop him.

THE BAD - There is a shootout scene at the harbor where nobody was shot despite three professional killers all doing the shooting. Then there is the classic Hollywood hesitation by the killer at the end, thus enabling the potential victim to be spared. That same killer ("The Jackal," played by Bruce Willis) would also have killed the FBI man (Richard Gere) without hesitation at the end. And, how Gere knew Willis was in the subway is never explained. There are other credibility holes, too, in here: too many.

THE GOOD - The cast of Willis, Gere, Sidney Poitier and Diane Venora is first- class. All of them play interesting and likable characters - even the villain! Gere did a credible job with an Irish accent and Venora the same, playing a Russian. It was fun watch Willis with his various disguises. The story keeps your interest all the way. It does it right by not having too much action, but shocking and memorable when it does occur. If you have good speakers there is some great sound in the last 20 minutes. A good movie if you like suspense.

OVERALL - Definitely worth a look...or two.
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Willis is Fun as Jackal
american-322 September 1999
The script may be contrived, employing plot devices unnecessary to the plot (ex--the Gatling gun...a sniper rifle would have done the trick with far less commotion). It may throw into the mix countless plot devices seen a thousand times before (ex--Gere is the ONLY one who can stop The Jackal, but must be let out of prison first; it is personal between Gere's Declan Mulqueen and The Jackal). It may be twenty minutes overlong, occasionally tossing us a hint that is never explained or referenced later (ex--what is that paper handed to Willis at the bank near the beginning?). Gere's performance may sway the entire audience toward The Jackal's side (probably against their will), as his accent is unconvincing and his character unremittingly will find yourself on Willis' side, no doubt. And it did p**s me off that the good guys are (in order of importance), an IRA assasin with a bad Irish accent, a female Russian KGB officer (Diane Venora, excellent), and a black FBI operative (Sidney Poitier IS one of the greats of American cinema, hugely likable here)...the bad guy however, as put by one character early on is simply "an American." A white one at that. Yes, the film is flawed tremendously. But Willis is having so much fun being the bad guy that whenever he is onscreen, he is magnetic. He delivers one of his finest performances here (still a DIE HARD fan, he is the quintessential action hero), causing us to take his side, even though, if given deep enough thought, he really is an unscrupulous b**tard with not one redeeming quality. But so what? Gere had a chance to draw us onto his side, he blew it; he is upstaged embarassingly by Willis' calm, calculated, menacing performance. Who won the '97 Best Oscar anyhoo? Geoffrey Rush wasnt it? Christ... Yeah, see it for Willis, and the number of riveting vignettes featuring blown-off arms, subway chases (climax #2), dead gays, and the "public and brutal" climax (#1). Q
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Good movie for those who don't ask how and why?
bipinthebigb20 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Its a good movie to watch. Th disguises by Bruce Willis are really good and keeps you in the seat. the gun too is amazing to work in action for the kind of people that like all smoke and no target.

But those who think much might never recommend this movie. Tactics never seem realistic.

1. Jackal(Bruce Willis) is hired for the work. Then there is no news of the client. Whether he is dead or alive no one knows or cares, not even the Jackal.

2. Is it really possible to buy that sort of a gun on "the internet". Don't think so.

3. The Jackal is suppose to be best at his work. Surely he seems like a rookie He can't even do silent kill.

4. The way Richard Gere deduces things is far fetched. How in the world can he know Jackal is going after the first lady from that.

5. Jackal lacks effort. The guy cant even get a second car, instead of the one everyone knows about.

Lot more questions...
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This is not a remake
boatista249 September 2011
I think people here expect to see a remake of The Day of the Jackal. This movie has nothing to do with The Day of the Jackal. This is an independent fictitious tale based upon Carlos the Jackal. It is one of my favorite Bruce Willis flicks, and has one of the greatest movie scores of all time. As far as entertainment by Bruce Willis goes, this is an 8 out of 10, hands down. Get over this being a lousy remake of an entirely different movie, and appreciate it for what it is. An outstanding effort - $60 million worth. In my opinion, Bruce Willis is as good as a bad guy as he was in any of his good guy roles. I would not dismiss this movie until you see how great he was in it. A terrific cast and great story line make this a must see.
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An Enjoyable Watch
brandonsoler-1477515 January 2020
This was a fun movie to watch, good action, good acting.
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Did They Have To Call It THE JACKAL ?
Theo Robertson29 July 2003
The fundamental problem with remakes is that you find yourself comparing the remake with the original . When watching THE JACKAL I found myself comparing American and European films . The original DAY OF THE JACKAL was a very European movie filmed entirely in Europe with a mainly European cast and crew with a very understated performance from Edward Fox as a very English assassin . It was a film that was both intelligent and compelling . The remake on the other hand - Despite having a Scottish director - is a very American film : Loud , vulgar , not very clever , with box office consideration over riding creative and artistic factors . You want a determined and ruthless assassin ? How about Jean Reno ? Ah but you can`t do that because the studio want a big name American actor like Bruce Willis in the title role , a role where his character has to don several disguises none of which make him look like anything more than Bruce Willis in a disguise ( A bit like Val Kilmer in THE SAINT where no matter how much the hero disguises himself he always looks like Val Kilmer ) And being an American film who better to play an IRA man than that well known wee , short , fat , middle aged Irish actor Richard Gere whose " oirish " accent is less convincing than the Jackal`s disguises . Once again this is the fault of the studio who are dying to cast a big name no matter how unsuitable they are for the role and once again I`m disgusted to see an IRA character as a good guy . Note to American film producers : By the 1990s most Irish Americans recognised the provisional IRA for what they are - Murdering scum . In fact one of the main reasons the IRA wanted to reach a settlement was because they`d lost all political and financial support from the Irish American lobby . The IRA had few friends over there then and have no friends over there now so stop making films with IRA characters hoping you`ll have a guaranteed hit in Boston and New York , it`s patronising to Irish Americans and offensive to us Brits

I do concede THE JACKAL is entertaining in parts and I did like the bizarre title sequence featuring a montage of 20th century Russian history set against a techno soundtrack , but it`s a very inferior film compared to the original . In fact I can`t help thinking the producers shot themselves in the foot by describing this as " A remake " because there`s very little common ground between the two except for the assassin plot . If you changed the name of The Jackal character to something else there`s very little chance Frederick Forsyth or anyone else would have sued for plagerism . As it is watching this Americanised version I found myself saying out loud " The original was better . The original was better . The original ... "
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