1 review
Enjoyed the great acting and direction of Tom Skerritt,(Steve Riordan),"Tuscaloosa",02, who played a religious nut who hated Jews and loved Hitler and his policies. The film starts out with Dylan Walsh,(Louis Gibbs),"Edmond",'05, who wants to be a successful farmer and has a hard time trying to get a job and establish himself. His wife, Carol Gibbs,(Andrea Roth),"The Untold",'02, is very unhappy with her husband not finding any work, and just simply wants out of the marriage. Carol runs into Steve Riordan, who gives her security and his blessings. However, his blessings, is jumping her bones in one scene on the bed with her children watching. There is good entertainment in this film and great acting by all the supporting actors, but we have seen this type of film before and unfortunately there are people out in the world who have these strong feelings about their State & Federal Government. Unfortunately, it is a True Story!