13 reviews
Alain Chabat is a very popular French actor. This movie constitutes his first transition behind the camera. Far from being a perfect success, "Didier" remains a fair and honest comedy.
Alain Chabat adopted a correct making that contains interesting clever visuals and ringing brainwaves. It succeeds in compensating a rather slight screenplay. It's based on a convenient situation: this is the story of a man (Jean-Pierre Bacri) who's very embarrassed because he's got to cope with several problems, especially professional. One of his friend asks him to take care of his dog, "Didier". One morning, "Didier" has become a man... Moreover, some parts of the screenplay make it conventional, Didier will find out (unwittingly) the solution to solve his master's worries and predictable (imagine the feelings of people who see a man on the street who behaves like a dog).
At last, the movie loses of its lure when it comes to deal with football (Jean-Pierre Bacri plays the role of an unlucky trainer). Despite everything, some dialogs and several sequences are funny enough to burst into laughter. The result isn't great but it's nice. It's also a movie with an ounce of fantastic. One last thing: Alain Chabat had the good idea by not revealing the truth about Didier's transformation into a man.
Alain Chabat adopted a correct making that contains interesting clever visuals and ringing brainwaves. It succeeds in compensating a rather slight screenplay. It's based on a convenient situation: this is the story of a man (Jean-Pierre Bacri) who's very embarrassed because he's got to cope with several problems, especially professional. One of his friend asks him to take care of his dog, "Didier". One morning, "Didier" has become a man... Moreover, some parts of the screenplay make it conventional, Didier will find out (unwittingly) the solution to solve his master's worries and predictable (imagine the feelings of people who see a man on the street who behaves like a dog).
At last, the movie loses of its lure when it comes to deal with football (Jean-Pierre Bacri plays the role of an unlucky trainer). Despite everything, some dialogs and several sequences are funny enough to burst into laughter. The result isn't great but it's nice. It's also a movie with an ounce of fantastic. One last thing: Alain Chabat had the good idea by not revealing the truth about Didier's transformation into a man.
- dbdumonteil
- May 25, 2003
- Permalink
Didier is an unusual film about a dog becoming a man, keeping his dog's mind.
It deals with a humorous tone with more serious things, and the fact that Alain Chabat wrote the script and is the main protagonist is a plus - but also shows the limits. A few nice, very funny moments, smart and hilarious lines "hey you treat him real bad. You talk to him like he's a dog".
Shot in Montpellier, Southern France, it's a pleasant film for an hour or so. It won't change your life but was never meant to. Kept a bit shorter, it would have been better even, the end is slow to come.
It deals with a humorous tone with more serious things, and the fact that Alain Chabat wrote the script and is the main protagonist is a plus - but also shows the limits. A few nice, very funny moments, smart and hilarious lines "hey you treat him real bad. You talk to him like he's a dog".
Shot in Montpellier, Southern France, it's a pleasant film for an hour or so. It won't change your life but was never meant to. Kept a bit shorter, it would have been better even, the end is slow to come.
Master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock once confessed that he had never said that all actors are cattle.He said that all actors should be treated like cattle.By directing a rib tickling comedy film "Didier", French comedian/director Alain Chabat also seemed to suggest that all actors are nothing but dogs.He has his own reasons to have made this satirical film as he bagged its most important role of a manly dog which is more intelligent than other human beings.Didier is not at all a film for kids.It is a film for those adults who behave like kids as their love for football and animals especially dogs have made this film a big success.Most of the people who have a solid knowledge of French cinema know that Alain Chabat is a good comic actor but nobody had imagined that he would go on to undertake a serious task of directing fellow actors.One of the most talented French actors Jean Pierre Bacri is largely known for his challenging roles in serious films nevertheless he has delivered a fine performance in Didier.This is a film for your family if you are in a position to tolerate its slightly offhand silly jokes about female anatomy.
- Film_critic_Lalit_Rao
- Apr 29, 2010
- Permalink
... but, my goodness, I LOVE THIS FILM!!!
This is one of the most original films I've ever seen. Alain Chabat was a good actor and comedian in other films, but here he delivers an ace performance. Outstanding, I've never seen anything like this. Sorry, if I sound simply overwhelmed, but, well, I am! I take my hat off.
But to be fair, I also have to mention Jean-Pierre Bacri, who is equally joyful to watch because he plays his part so very straight-faced that for the viewer it is easy to accept a crazy and completely unrealistic story as realistic. As if it could happen to yourself, just like this.
In this film you don't get to see the typical fooling about you see so very often in other French comedies. That's why this film is a little gem, which shouldn't be missed by anybody. For everybody who is not able to understand enough French, my DVD for example comes from Southeast Asia, it has (if horrible) English subtitles. So there are ways for everybody to see this beauty.
Unfortunately, I just read somewhere there are plans to do a remake of this film in the US. Please, don't be stupid, don't do a remake. The film is perfect as it is, no remake is necessary and anyway, it could only be a cheap, useless, superfluous copy. Stay with the original. Please.
10 out of 10. Honestly.
This is one of the most original films I've ever seen. Alain Chabat was a good actor and comedian in other films, but here he delivers an ace performance. Outstanding, I've never seen anything like this. Sorry, if I sound simply overwhelmed, but, well, I am! I take my hat off.
But to be fair, I also have to mention Jean-Pierre Bacri, who is equally joyful to watch because he plays his part so very straight-faced that for the viewer it is easy to accept a crazy and completely unrealistic story as realistic. As if it could happen to yourself, just like this.
In this film you don't get to see the typical fooling about you see so very often in other French comedies. That's why this film is a little gem, which shouldn't be missed by anybody. For everybody who is not able to understand enough French, my DVD for example comes from Southeast Asia, it has (if horrible) English subtitles. So there are ways for everybody to see this beauty.
Unfortunately, I just read somewhere there are plans to do a remake of this film in the US. Please, don't be stupid, don't do a remake. The film is perfect as it is, no remake is necessary and anyway, it could only be a cheap, useless, superfluous copy. Stay with the original. Please.
10 out of 10. Honestly.
- missmarmite
- Jul 15, 2004
- Permalink
Jean-Pierre Costa (Jean-Pierre Bacri) is a confused agent of soccer players. He is in charge of taking care of Didier, Annabelle's Labrador dog, for ten days. By mysterious reason, Didier is hit by a ray (or light) and becomes a man. The situations for this non-sense and crazy movie are so ridiculous that become funny in the end. Brazilian (like French) love soccer, and the situations in the soccer field are also funny. My vote is six.
- claudio_carvalho
- Sep 21, 2003
- Permalink
In this comedy, a man finds suddenly that his dog has turned to a man. He don't talk, don't learn any language: he's really a dog with a man body! Like many dogs, Didier loves to play with balls. So, this is a great occasion for his master to hire him on a soccer team! That's where the cultural problem starts with this movie: in Canada, or in the USA, soccer is not a religion as it is in France. So, we don't understand all that really matters with this sport. As a french guy, I also was upsetted with the english expressions used by these french actors. But to see the "man dog" is really funny. He is really really a dog!
Last evening, I saw the neighborhood kids playing soccer with a German shepherd who kept on following the ball until managing to hit it with the head, provoking the cheers in the whole street. This moment enough made me take "Didier" more seriously.
"Didier" is a modest French comedy with a little sparkle that reminds of some of the greatest American classics. The story is based on a simple, ridiculous yet full of potential premise: since a man reincarnating as a dog has always been done, how about the opposite: a dog trapped in a man's body, like a reverse version of the "Shaggy Dog"? This is, in a nutshell, the story of Didier, a Labrador played by Alain Chabat, also the director of the film.
Alain Chabat was the unofficial leader of a comedic group named "Les Nuls" (The Nobodies) whose sketches made of slapstick, absurd and parodies played like a French mixture of Monty Python and Saturday Night Live. The 'Chabat' touch would reach its pinnacle with the adaptation of Asterix's adventures "Mission Cleopatra", the second-highest grossing film in France in 2002, but through the simple but so endearing story of Didier, Chabat already proved some remarkable capabilities. Indeed, the film works for two reasons: it isn't overplayed, not acting-wise and not story-wise.
Acting-wise: it's pleasantly surprising how restrained Chabat is in the film, and how he takes the role quite seriously, earning two César nominations for Best Lead Actor, winning the second for Best First Directed Feature.My choice of the word "restrained" shouldn't mislead the viewers, "Didier" is still a screwball comedy, but when put in the comical map of the 90's, in the same period than the sugarcoated, "Asterix and Obelix against Cesar", and the noisy and CGI-related "Visitors 2" when even the sleeper hit of the year "Taxi" was relying its popularity on an excessive use of actions and car chases, "Didier", on the other hand, is just about the growing complicity between Jean Pierre and Didier.
Played by Jean-Pierre Bacri, the namesake character is a laconic no-nonsense guy who discovers one morning that the Labrador her friend asked to keep disappeared, and finds instead a naked man lying on the ground and 'acting' strangely. There's no need to know more, why did Tom Hanks become a child in "Big" or why the same day kept repeating in "Groundhog Day"? As long as the reactions are believable, we're ready to buy any original premise, and we do.We do because for a while, we enjoy the sight of a man acting like a dog and it works even more because it doesn't look like acting, Chabat not only becomes a dog embodying the film's tag-line (the best in a man is his dog) but also brings him a personality, when we see him panting, smiling, woofing, we know it's not just any dog, but Didier the dog, and not any dog, a Labrador, the most intelligent breed.
The film involves the series of situations where we see him interacting with other persons, with cats and even having a date with a woman who naturally, takes him seriously. The screenplay respects the unspoken rule giving that the comic of a character only depends on his entourage's reactions, which supposes that everyone should act naturally. In the classic "The Visitors": if the two medieval men were considered as lunatics, their reaction to the New World was realistic, the same goes for Didier. But beyond the performance, it's less the premise that counts than the way it can provide new twists for the film, which leads me to the second strength of the film.
The masterstroke lies on the combination between Didier's providential metamorphosis and Jean-Pierre's job as a sports agent. When Didier takes the ball, he reveals some great skills, not surprising since we know that dogs love playing with ball. Didier grabs the attention of all the managers and is hired as a new Eastern-European prodigy named Didje Hazanivicius. Jean-Pierre becomes Dider's manager and uses some gibberish to pretend he's translating French to Didier. Chabat's mannerisms and facial expressions are the highlights all through the film, such as when Jean-Pierre looks at him, smiling, he says "Didier", to which the dog, who probably didn't understand, reacts with a comprehensive smile, with a kind of 'woof' sounding like "yeah" in French.
"Didier" is a great screwball fantasy and comedy of errors, that works thanks to Chabat's ability to turn the kind of story that would suit a sketch format into a hour-and-half film, without reusing the same jokes. What we got at the end is a good comedy, nice heart- warming fantasy, but also a great Sports film, with an unforgettable climactic match in the iconic "Parc des Princes" where Didier would demonstrate his skills to the whole world. Some scenes are absolutely priceless, proving that anyone with talent can afford to look ridiculous by acting like a dog. Players would even imitate his little dance after he scored a goal (one of the film's best images)
And as puzzling as it is, the ending fits the mood of the film, which doesn't need much explanation, we know that a story must end when a character's arc is closed and when Bacri understood a few things or two from his experience with Didier, we understand that this magic, driven by a superior force has no reason to exist anymore, and it's time to conclude the film, not with a nice little twist at the end to make us bark with laughter, literally.
One famous comic said against a renowned right wing leader, that there was more humanity in the eye of a dog when he was wagging his tail, than in his own tail when he was wagging his eye, needless to say that after Didier, you'll never doubt that there can be indeed humanity in a dog's eye.
"Didier" is a modest French comedy with a little sparkle that reminds of some of the greatest American classics. The story is based on a simple, ridiculous yet full of potential premise: since a man reincarnating as a dog has always been done, how about the opposite: a dog trapped in a man's body, like a reverse version of the "Shaggy Dog"? This is, in a nutshell, the story of Didier, a Labrador played by Alain Chabat, also the director of the film.
Alain Chabat was the unofficial leader of a comedic group named "Les Nuls" (The Nobodies) whose sketches made of slapstick, absurd and parodies played like a French mixture of Monty Python and Saturday Night Live. The 'Chabat' touch would reach its pinnacle with the adaptation of Asterix's adventures "Mission Cleopatra", the second-highest grossing film in France in 2002, but through the simple but so endearing story of Didier, Chabat already proved some remarkable capabilities. Indeed, the film works for two reasons: it isn't overplayed, not acting-wise and not story-wise.
Acting-wise: it's pleasantly surprising how restrained Chabat is in the film, and how he takes the role quite seriously, earning two César nominations for Best Lead Actor, winning the second for Best First Directed Feature.My choice of the word "restrained" shouldn't mislead the viewers, "Didier" is still a screwball comedy, but when put in the comical map of the 90's, in the same period than the sugarcoated, "Asterix and Obelix against Cesar", and the noisy and CGI-related "Visitors 2" when even the sleeper hit of the year "Taxi" was relying its popularity on an excessive use of actions and car chases, "Didier", on the other hand, is just about the growing complicity between Jean Pierre and Didier.
Played by Jean-Pierre Bacri, the namesake character is a laconic no-nonsense guy who discovers one morning that the Labrador her friend asked to keep disappeared, and finds instead a naked man lying on the ground and 'acting' strangely. There's no need to know more, why did Tom Hanks become a child in "Big" or why the same day kept repeating in "Groundhog Day"? As long as the reactions are believable, we're ready to buy any original premise, and we do.We do because for a while, we enjoy the sight of a man acting like a dog and it works even more because it doesn't look like acting, Chabat not only becomes a dog embodying the film's tag-line (the best in a man is his dog) but also brings him a personality, when we see him panting, smiling, woofing, we know it's not just any dog, but Didier the dog, and not any dog, a Labrador, the most intelligent breed.
The film involves the series of situations where we see him interacting with other persons, with cats and even having a date with a woman who naturally, takes him seriously. The screenplay respects the unspoken rule giving that the comic of a character only depends on his entourage's reactions, which supposes that everyone should act naturally. In the classic "The Visitors": if the two medieval men were considered as lunatics, their reaction to the New World was realistic, the same goes for Didier. But beyond the performance, it's less the premise that counts than the way it can provide new twists for the film, which leads me to the second strength of the film.
The masterstroke lies on the combination between Didier's providential metamorphosis and Jean-Pierre's job as a sports agent. When Didier takes the ball, he reveals some great skills, not surprising since we know that dogs love playing with ball. Didier grabs the attention of all the managers and is hired as a new Eastern-European prodigy named Didje Hazanivicius. Jean-Pierre becomes Dider's manager and uses some gibberish to pretend he's translating French to Didier. Chabat's mannerisms and facial expressions are the highlights all through the film, such as when Jean-Pierre looks at him, smiling, he says "Didier", to which the dog, who probably didn't understand, reacts with a comprehensive smile, with a kind of 'woof' sounding like "yeah" in French.
"Didier" is a great screwball fantasy and comedy of errors, that works thanks to Chabat's ability to turn the kind of story that would suit a sketch format into a hour-and-half film, without reusing the same jokes. What we got at the end is a good comedy, nice heart- warming fantasy, but also a great Sports film, with an unforgettable climactic match in the iconic "Parc des Princes" where Didier would demonstrate his skills to the whole world. Some scenes are absolutely priceless, proving that anyone with talent can afford to look ridiculous by acting like a dog. Players would even imitate his little dance after he scored a goal (one of the film's best images)
And as puzzling as it is, the ending fits the mood of the film, which doesn't need much explanation, we know that a story must end when a character's arc is closed and when Bacri understood a few things or two from his experience with Didier, we understand that this magic, driven by a superior force has no reason to exist anymore, and it's time to conclude the film, not with a nice little twist at the end to make us bark with laughter, literally.
One famous comic said against a renowned right wing leader, that there was more humanity in the eye of a dog when he was wagging his tail, than in his own tail when he was wagging his eye, needless to say that after Didier, you'll never doubt that there can be indeed humanity in a dog's eye.
- ElMaruecan82
- Jul 27, 2013
- Permalink
I first saw Didier when it came out - back in 1997. I was living in Brussels then and although my French was not very good yet, I enjoyed it _a lot_. I just saw it on video for the second time and I'm so glad I did because I could now fully appreciate the humour in Alain Chabat's dialogues (which unfortunately lose a bit of their sharpness when translated to other languages) and Jean-Pierre Bacri's performance. Bacri is a very good actor - very natural, very real and very charming. And Chabat is perfect as a ... human dog - even in small details as in the way he looks at Bacri when he scolds him about sniffing other people's ass or when he asks him whether he slept with his girlfriend. I do hope that Chabat will soon create another film as funny, original and "genial" as Didier. P.S. If you speak French, don't miss the credits at the end of the film and the small messages from Chabat here and there.
Master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock once confessed that he had never said that all actors are cattle.He said that all actors should be treated like cattle.By directing a rib tickling comedy film "Didier", French comedian/director Alain Chabat also seemed to suggest that all actors are nothing but dogs.He has his own reasons to have made this satirical film as he bagged its most important role of a manly dog which is more intelligent than other human beings.Didier is not at all a film for kids.It is a film for those adults who behave like kids as their love for football and animals especially dogs have made this film a big success.Most of the people who have a solid knowledge of French cinema know that Alain Chabat is a good comic actor but nobody had imagined that he would go on to undertake a serious task of directing fellow actors.One of the most talented French actors Jean Pierre Bacri is largely known for his challenging roles in serious films nevertheless he has delivered a fine performance in Didier.This is a film for your family if you are in a position to tolerate its slightly offhand silly jokes about female anatomy.
- FilmCriticLalitRao
- Aug 6, 2014
- Permalink
...as silly as it may sound (for those who know/have seen this film of course) it is true.
Around the time this film came out, I was living in France. It was on TV one night, and decided to record it for some inexplicable reason.
I cannot remember the way I felt the first time I saw it, but I know that it became my favourite film at the time(yes, I was very young back then...),and watched it over and over. In fact, I watched it so many times that I knew the order of the scenes, the dialogues word by word and the facial expressions as well. I remember I used to recite the whole film in my bed at night, when I couldn't sleep.
I loved the soundtrack, the characters (especially Didier, played by Alain Chabat, who is by the way a very famous actor in France) and everything about it. The funny thing is that at my age at the time, I didn't find the whole thing silly, since a kid wouldn't find 'Tom & Jerry' silly either, why would he find silly a story of a dog who one night changes into a man who behaves like a dog? In fact, I kind of considered it as a comedy, with serious dramatic elements.
Many people will probably find it stupid, but even today I find a certain charm about this film, and I do think that it's a very entertaining, funny little comedy. If you like the plot, you won't be disappointed, because as silly as it is, it's well executed, with very good jokes.
Check it out if you can, and enjoy!
Around the time this film came out, I was living in France. It was on TV one night, and decided to record it for some inexplicable reason.
I cannot remember the way I felt the first time I saw it, but I know that it became my favourite film at the time(yes, I was very young back then...),and watched it over and over. In fact, I watched it so many times that I knew the order of the scenes, the dialogues word by word and the facial expressions as well. I remember I used to recite the whole film in my bed at night, when I couldn't sleep.
I loved the soundtrack, the characters (especially Didier, played by Alain Chabat, who is by the way a very famous actor in France) and everything about it. The funny thing is that at my age at the time, I didn't find the whole thing silly, since a kid wouldn't find 'Tom & Jerry' silly either, why would he find silly a story of a dog who one night changes into a man who behaves like a dog? In fact, I kind of considered it as a comedy, with serious dramatic elements.
Many people will probably find it stupid, but even today I find a certain charm about this film, and I do think that it's a very entertaining, funny little comedy. If you like the plot, you won't be disappointed, because as silly as it is, it's well executed, with very good jokes.
Check it out if you can, and enjoy!
Well, at least a good french comedy. The surnatural plot (a dog becomes a man) is, I think, quite unusual cause it 's played like a realistic event.Bacri takes it so seriously that you believe in it. Chabat is the best dog I ever seen in my life. It's quite funny all long and I've loved the soccer part. And there's no cultural problem at all dear USA or Canada: it worths ten times all the stupid movies on baseball(see Madonna, Costner, De Niro contributions) and Football(waterboy) . But the fact is the movie don't stay on the initial plot (surprise) but also deals with racism problems and tolerance.
This movie comes after a succession of french comedies in which you don't laugh at the characters, rather with the characters. Such comedies as Les Trois Frères were a bit irritating in that sense. Alain Chabat, a former "kind of" French Saturday Night Live host, has to have intended to butt in that wave. The result is a genuine show of force. His on-screen duo with France's best screenwriter Jean-Pierre Bacri (On Connaît La Chanson, Un Air De Famille) is a real treat. Alain Chabat really is a dog, and has always been. Bacri really is a master, and always will be. The rendering is amazing, the cinematography is a pleasant surprise. Chabat himself still doesn't undertand today that he directed a masterpiece, as proof his TV appearance with Fabrice Lucchini, where the latter paid tribute to the movie as one of the best comedies of all time, while Chabat was thinking he was being mocked.
In my life, I have never seen such a pure example of CHEEEEEESY filmmaking. When the dog scores against Paris St. Germain, it was BAD. PS If you are thinking of watching it kill yourself and bring a sick bag... you WILL need it.