This is a condensed (only 90 minutes!) film version of the ageless classic, with lots of modifications though. I give kudos to the impeccable work of the actors, and directing and editing seem to work equally well for a very nice entertainment experience.
However, as soon as I start comparing this version to the original book, I feel an immense let-down as so many things have been changed (I won't give a list because it would be just way too long). I liked the look of Robinson's island a lot, and all the buildings and mechanical contraptions were nicely designed. But for the most part, the plot was just *too* smooth, leaving out most of the meditative moments and the setbacks that the "original" Robinson experiences in the book. For such a compact film version of the long book, some cuts had to be made, though.
I won't give away the ending, but it was a) way too different from the book and b) way too brief, it even felt forced to some degree. There's lots of nice scenery, however. So there are much worse ways to kill off 90 minutes...