It's two days before Jack Freeman (Ben Affleck) graduates with a liberal arts degree from University of California. He lives with his friends cartoonist Mickey, long-time student Dennis (French Stewart), Slosh who keeps quitting his jobs, and Rob (Sam Rockwell). Rob is planning to move to LA with his girlfriend Joanie (Megan Ward) but he's worried about being so close to her mother. Dennis is offered a job with Professor Luther. Chelsea (Alyssa Milano) has a crush on Mickey but he treats her like a little sister. Jack has no plans for the future as he gets over his ex Dina. He wonders if he could extend his glory daze.
There is an aimlessness to the movie much like Jack. Rich Wilkes is unable to harness that into something more compelling. His directing level is strictly amateurish and holds no promise of anything better. It's fun to see some of these big names as their younger self in a small film. Matt Damon makes a cameo like Ben's lap dog which is fun. It's a rambling film without the skills or the knowing comedy. The cast keeps it interesting.