When Fever Lake came out on video, my family and I rented it, because it was filmed in my home town. The town my father grew up in, and family still lives there. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin is such a small place it's not even a town, it is a village. So we all thought it would be cool, and we recognized a lot of places. "Fever Lake" is actually called "Lake Mary". You might think the movie would be good with Corey Haim and Mario Lopez who played "Slater" on "Saved By The Bell". This movie wasn't bad but it lacked something , and it wasn't the actors. Anyone who has seen the actors portraying other roles know that they can act. All in all, it was cool to see my home town in a movie(I still live 20 minutes away from it). One of the good parts(which it has a few) was the twist ending, sort of like "The Twilight Zone". If you feel like you've seen everything there is rent this movie, when you're in the mood for different cheesy horror movie. I'm not calling it a good or bad flick, because that is for everybody to decide with their own opinions. That's all I gotta say 'bout that. Peace. I'm out.