1 review
The story revolves around a group of people showing up for Thanksgiving at the house of obnoxious Vinnie Grannucci (Robert Miranda). What they don't know is the turkey this year was used in a Santería ceremony earlier and this results in the devil showing up. OOF! I always wonder about unreleased films and in most cases the rarity is due to the film not being very good. That is definitely the case here. According to the IMDb here, this was filmed as BIGOTS, PERVERTS AND OTHER FINE AMERICANS, proving editor-writer-producer-director Leon Corcos always had a bad way with titles. The cast tries, but nothing is really funny. The aforementioned notability is that one Joe Carnahan worked on this as a producer and provider of extra dialogue. After this, Corcos helped produce Carnahan's debut BLOOD, GUTS, BULLETS AND OCTANE (1998) before Carnahan became a A-list director. You also get Victor Wong in one of his last roles as a Santería priest.