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Busted (Video 1997) Poster

(1997 Video)

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Stupendously lame comedy has only some T&A to recommend it
gridoon3 February 2007
"Busted" is a terrible comedy. The jokes are old, unfunny, obvious, moronic, and endlessly repeated (the running gag of the "scary" music heard each time someone says the words "Peeping Tom" is just awful). If you pick a random person off the street and ask him or her to tell you a joke, chances are they'll tell you a better one than any contained in this movie. Chances also are that they'll be better at directing a movie than Corey Feldman, though it may be a little unfair to judge a debuting director's work when the budget constricts him to a single set for about 90% of the running time. The only thing this film has going for it is that some of the women are VERY sexy, especially police officers Lacey and Casey (played by former Playboy Playmates Ava Fabian and Devin DeVasquez). Unfortunately, the movie's ONE potentially good idea, a boxing match between these two, instead of being something funny or sexy, turns into a sour "Rocky" parody. Watch for "special appearances" by Julie Strain, who shockingly (yeah, right) gets naked, and Elliott Gould, who may have appeared in a worse movie in his long career, but I don't want to know anything about it. (*)
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This is a Bad Movie
SilentOne925 March 2006
Busted attempts to be a police version of the movie "Airplane". The problem is that not one deadpan/campy piece of humor is funny. Actually not 1 scene in this film is humorous. The movie centers around a day at a police station in Amity. All the humor falls flat. The only reason one would watch this movie is to see Monique Parent, Griffin Drew, Julie Strain, Ava Fabian, Devin Devasquez and Mariana Morgan nude. Guest shots by Elliot Gould and Todd Bridges fall completely flat. Shocking to see Elliot Gould in such a bad movie. The only positive is that Elliot and Monique can act. Do not rent this movie if you want to be entertained and laugh
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Peeping Tom sketch
nogodnomasters13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The police department of the coastal town of Amity decides to take crime off the street by opening a bordello, a secret kept from the mayor. The film consisted of sub-adolescent humor involving very chesty women. The T&A is the only reason to watch the film.

Nudity (Julie Strain, Mariana Morgan, Griffin Drew, Monique Parent, Landon Hall, Devin DeVasquez)
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A Goofy Sort of Charm Makes It Lovable
LuxLucre26 April 2003
The police force of Amity, seeing as they are no longer contending with a shark, decide to get crime off the streets and decide that the hookers are better off working out of the police station then in the streets.

Busted tries for Airplane!-like gags, even making a joke about it at one point, but most of them will have you rolling your eyes. Some nice nudity in this one, though, And when was the last time you saw a really fat guy showering with a nekkid woman that could have walked out of a centerfold?

It does not have a mean bone in it's body and that's something I like about it. It's the kind of movie I hope I can make some day if I can rustle up the cash.
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I've seen worst
willandcharlenebrown17 February 2021
Certain aspects of the film does keep you watching. Wink wink haha. Feldmon certainly can act getter than this because I've seen it. Just goes to show you what a good script can do for you.
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Worst film ever
retroman2k44 June 2005
I have made better films with my mates then this pile of dump, It is terrible from start to finish and i cannot understand how this was released.

I am a big fan of the 2 Corey's but this film is a joke and not a funny one. The acting is appalling from every cast member, the script is shockingly bad, there is no plot and since there only seems to be around 4 locations, it must have cost peanuts to make.

This film is basically a very bad porno although i don't think it is supposed to be one, for some reason every 6 or 7 minutes there seems to be some type of poorly directed sexual scene and every actress is only in it because of their looks, none of them have any acting ability at all.

If you want to watch a good film with Feldman in it try watching the goonies, stand by me or licence to drive (Haim also stars in this). Do not under any circumstances watch this incredibly awful piece of *@#* .
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An Honest Review
jeffronthi16 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Of this entire film, there is but one solitary moment, of one scene, that was mildly amusing and entertaining: The Dream/Shower sequence. That was brave of little man Feldman...very brave. It was especially funny when he could not keep the sweat from his eye's. Just a funny moment. Just picturing him in this sort of Billy Zane shower scene was rather entertaining and semi-classic.

The fun ends there, however, as Feldman takes his acting skills to an all-time low. There is not one sequence of this film where you can honestly say to yourself, yeah, he has even a morsel of talent. Oh, it is slap-stick all right, but it ain't vintage! Because it is one thing to over-act your part (see: Hot Shots) for comedy, but you still have to manage good jokes and consistent acting (see: Feldman's character dialect).

Also, one thing that irked me a bit, was the way they were pitching this movie as having a prominent roll for Haim. It was interesting, but he wasn't in this but for two mild scenes with scant dialog. Not that he is great or anything, but he may have improved things just slightly...would not have made things worse.

Bad script, bad jokes, bad acting, bad everything. Lots of nudity, though. Nothing wrong with that.

I can not recommend this on that one scene alone, but if you are a die-hard Feldman fan, you may like it.
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Nothing But the Plot, Script, Acting, and Planning Here is "Busted"
StevePulaski4 July 2010
Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are two highly respected teen heart-throbs and have a very eventful life and the later years in 2007 and 2008 their lives were focused mainly on getting back together on their show The Two Coreys. Up until Corey Haim's tragic death in March of 2010 they still were not good friends. So, with my goal being to try and watch all the movies they did together, I had to dig deep and find this one. A garbage, disgrace wannabe parody film that fools you into thinking it lives up to the level of Airplane! and The Naked Gun which were wildly popular near this film's releasing. But all it does is fall short and forgotten, where it belongs.

Corey Feldman plays the head of a Police Station in the town of Amity in which is run by dumbasses. The Police Station's goal is to take Prostitution off the street and into the jail where it belongs. Amity's Mayor hires a woman named Captain Mary Mae to keep the station in shape, but struggles dearly seeing as everyone in the entire station is a complete idiot and does a miserable job of trying to run and do their duty. Corey Haim gives in an awful performance acting like he could care when he could careless if this film does anything in terms of success. Feldman as well.

Ron Jeremey gives a cameo that is classified as "too little too late". If he would have had a bigger role and not a last minute decision to throw him in this he may have had a chance to get this movie a bit better reputation. But its the complete opposite, his cameo was completely last minute (like everything in this film) and is just overall bad. Elliot Gould doesn't contribute much good to the film either.

The main problem where this movie is the worst stems from the jokes. They are the kind of jokes I dub as "expression jokes". Like when a character says "I'm gonna knock your lights out", strolls over to their desk casually and does just that. Or when the girl comes to watch the station the boss acts Feldman to show her the ropes. He picks up a blog with three ropes on it and says "Small, Medium, Large" just like that. The jokes pretty much sound like nails on a chalkboard for people who wanted to enjoy this.

In the 1980s, parody movies were interesting because they poked fun at the clichés that are in movies. The hero winning, the guy getting the girl, and everything else that is a mentionable thing that almost every movie shares. It was nice to see a movie done differently in the 1980s and have the joke be on the characters. Nowadays parody films cram every little spoof of pop culture they can in a 75 - 90 minute film which is just annoying and even more angering when the jokes aren't that funny. This movie was grueling to watch and undoubtedly the worst Haim/Feldman film ever in both their careers. That fact was established when the film though borderline softcore porn scenes with Corey Feldman would make the film good. The worst parody film I've ever seen, worse than anything made by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. That says a lot.

Starring: Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Dominick Brascia, Ava Fabian, Elliot Gould, and Ron Jeremy. Directed by: Corey Feldman.
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solidabs26 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lol just awful. Only Corey Feldman would make himself a Lieutenant and wear Sergeant Stripes lmfao. That sums up that dude. Always cringing to watch lol but who dont like a train wreck. I gave this a 2 because Julie Strain was in it.
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Silly unfunny police parody
Floated221 September 2023
Released in 1997, this police parody film tries to be comical and humorous but the jokes fall flat and aren't anything clever or witty. The plot is thin and quite simple of a police academy crew seemingly doing different gimmicks.

Of course the main attraction of this film is the women characters and the seemingly amount of skin provided. Did not expect several random explicit scenes but it was used to pull in an audience.

Nothing exactly memorable of this film as it's seemingly forgotten by now. It's clearly a film not to be taken serious and even so it doesn't provide much of note. Could have worse but overall not great as expected.
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LadyFate7 October 1998
Well if your looking for a great movie...this isn't one of them. But if you like Corey Feldman...I'd recommend at least seeing it once....he's the main star.
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Worth it
kpaputts12 May 2021
The most accurate glimpse into Corey Feldman's head.
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Could have been a great film high on 80s T&A nostalgia...
gdeangel11 February 2020
... but instead it's a campy comedy ... if the camp your parents signed you up for was porno-camp.

Now let's get a little intellectual. Maybe it's because I watched this film in Spanish for free on Vudu last night that my "artsy" brain neurons were firing in overload (I don't speak Spanish too well) but this film made me thing of "The Big Picture" (1989) with Kevin Bacon. This film represented the stuff that Nick Chapman would have been pressured into churning out once he got to "big time" Hollywood in the 1980s. Big time 1980's Hollywood... think about it for a minute... the two headliners of this film were basically the poster-boys of that era. I'm talking about Corey & Corey. In this film, you can see how Corey Feldman went from delivering an amazing and relatable performance as Teddy Duchamp, to phoning it in as Ricky Wade in a weak-sauce attempt to fill Bill Murray's comedic shoes in a franchise that, prior to his attachment, included a third installment where a dead porn star helps Patrick Dempsey score with the bimbos. "Meatballs 4" was technically a 90's film, but it perfectly captures the Hollywood ethos of the 80's, which Feldman and Haim career's were quagmired in. In fact, the rookie-meets-the-twins sub-plot, if one is allowed to use the word "plot" with this film, is literally a rehash of what didn't work so well back in Meatballs 3!

Speaking of the second of the 2 Corey's, we barely see Haim in this film. He appears second in the credits, but has about 3 minutes of total screen time in the entire picture. Knowing what we know now about Corey H's problems with drugs, it seems highly probably that his part in the film was conceived as much more that it amounted to. There is even a joke about it in the end, when somebody asks where Cliff (Corey's character) is and somebody said he had to turn in his badge -- clearly this was an inside joke tacked on at the end. This was the film where Feldman fired Haim over his drug use.

This is a film that could have been a great piece of satire. Given a legitimate treatment by somebody like Barry Sonnenfeld, this film could have flashed in and out of the fourth wall over the rise and fall of heart-throb, T&A films in a way that might have led to more activity in the audience's head above the shoulders, and less in the other one. Instead, the film pans on other Hollywood institutions, remaking a famous fight scene from one of the Rocky Films with two actresses whose boobs can't stop bouncing. Naming the town Amity and tacking a "no sharks" sign on the police station. 11 year old boys watching this film in the pre-Internet year of 1997 to catch a glimpse of mythical BOOBIES were neither interested in, nor capable of placing, those references.

When the dust settles, this film belongs in a syllabus for film studies majors that examines the rise of the low budget "pan everything" film. I am thinking of the never ending stream of Madea films, as well as all the "-*fill in the blank*- Movie" titles (e.g., "Disaster Movie"). As such I give it 6/10 stars, not because it's great cinema, but because it represents an integral part of the deformed and contorted disposable theme-of-the-decade soul of Hollywood. In the 1980s, that soul was pushing T&A films that pandered to a culture of casual sex, drugs and something that claimed to be rock-n-roll but was 90% Phil Collins and Madonna. By the 1990's, Madonna had become an "artist" instead of a pinup girl, and Phil Colin was setting up shop with Disney animation. But the two Corey's continued to plod along with the sex and drugs, the T&A films, and a misguided sense that teen idols never die, they just stagger from party to party a little slower now that they have to shave.
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Sorry, 1Star is too high a rating.
arjnsdca7 August 2024
Like everything Feldman does it's a complete train wreck. The adolescent humor wouldn't even be funny to an adolescent. This police "comedy" is filmed on a D movie set of a space ship. You can actually see the catwalk of the sound stage. This makes "The Room" look like a masterpiece. 😱. There's absolutely no professional production involved in this movie. The sound is horrible, the filming is horrible. The good Corey (Haim) is only in the movie for two short scenes and was treated more like an extra. I found nothing entertaining or enjoyable about watching this travesty of celluloid abomination!
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Directed by Feldman.....
snipery2k4 June 2005
Oh dear. As soon as I knew Feldman was directing it, I just knew Haim would have to make an appearance. However not a very long one. I think Corey Feldman made this film simply for a cheap laugh and to get plenty of shower scenes with naked women. Being a fan of the two Corey's, this film really hurt me. Me and my friends are now having competitions to sit down in front of this film and see who can tolerate it the longest! There are some small comedy moments of course, but for the majority the jokes are poorly delivered and poorly written. Sorry Mr Feldman, but if you are going to produce more films like that. I would seriously reconsider. Very Poor!
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Hateful and Sickening
jfgibson738 August 2024
There can't possibly be another comedy film less entertaining than this one. You can not even categorize Busted with regular movies. The only thing it deserves to be compared to are Nintendo character fetish animations made by lonely boys living with their parents, all of whom are more capable of creative thought than Corey Feldman will ever be. Most of Busted plays out like an adult film from a bygone era. Feldman seems to have put in just enough effort to convince some women that an actual movie was being shot so that he can stage as many sex scenes with them as possible. And don't tell me it turned out this bad because everyone was on drugs. Oasis filled their themselves with as many substances as a human body can contain, and they still finished entire albums that don't sound like all they did was hit their private parts up against their guitars. Busted is the film equivelant of Corey Feldman making an album by hitting his private parts up against his guitar. Which is pretty much what his playing still sounds like today in 2024.
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a few flat jokes here and there, but overall a fun little mindless flick
SykkBoy20 May 2001

This movie has a lot of what it takes to make a good bad movie... it has BOTH Coreys! Sure, Haim isn't in it for a whole long time, but hey, neither is Todd Bridges and you gotta love a movie that has both Coreys AND Todd Bridges.

It has nudity which is almost mandatory in a non-horror bad movie. A few of the jokes admittedly fall flat, but as a fan of stupid humor, I got a kick out of the J-walking joke and the "do it by the book" joke.

There is no intelligence nor plot here, nor should there be. This movie never pretends to be anything other than what it is...good, fun, mindless entertainment.
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"Entertains" In A Sick Kind Of Way.......
blurnieghey14 September 2021
So does a groan count as a laugh? The jokes in this thing are so bad and corny I was actually entertained in s sick way. Basically, we have an 80's sex comedy filmed the late 90's that fails in every respect but, at the same time, doesn't take itself seriously at all. The T&A is above average and you get to look at an assortment of washed-up actors and B-movie regulars that you wouldn't think were that hard up for cash but, apparently, they were. The film really is a disaster but, as such, manages the increasingly rare so-bad-it's-good status with me, although anyone who doesn't get into over-the-top stupidity will hate it.
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Not so good
KRAMER200018 February 2001
Well i bought this movie to see it for Corey Haim but he is only in it for about 15-20 minutes of the movie which was poor the rest is just a bunch of police officer's walking around talking slapstick stuff like police academy but not as good.The movie just looks at Corey Feldman who Directed it Wrote it and Starred in it it was poor it showed that the Corey freindship was nearly dead and not much interest from Haim for what i can say do not buy this thinking it is going to be a Corey partnership all through blink and you miss Haim the actors are unknown and it is very boring if you like the Corey's stick to License to Drive or DALD.
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Where's the Credit It Deserves
EverydayIDecay22 January 2021
Corey Feldman and Corey Haim are fantastic. This truly doesn't get the credit it deserves. It's an easy 8 out of 10 and I can see some eating it a 9.
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A few laughs
jaws!6 April 1999
There are a few laughs in Busted. It's kinda a sex spoof type of movie. Little entertaining. It's not a very bad movie. I give it ** out of ****
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Hilarious! "can I walk your bush"
asmiller-948122 February 2019
I'm disappointed to see that majority of the people have given this movie bad ratings. I found this movie absolutely hilarious! It's definitely not a movie for someone looking for something serious or has a problem with nudity or crude humor. I've always been a huge fan of the two Corey's and they're an added bonus. I thought Corey Feldman did a fine job with directing it as well. It kind of reminded me of Vice Academy. The jokes and one liners are completely memorable. It's a great movie if you need to watch something to take or mind off of everyday problems and issues. It will turn your frown upside down.
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