19 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 75Chicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertChicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertBrassed Off is a sweet film with a lot of anger at its core.
- 75ReelViewsJames BerardinelliReelViewsJames BerardinelliBrassed Off! is a traditional feel-good motion picture with an element of social commentary thrown in for good measure.
- 75San Francisco ChroniclePeter StackSan Francisco ChroniclePeter StackThe characters are beautifully drawn in this bittersweet melodrama written and directed by Mark Herman.
- 70The New York TimesStephen HoldenThe New York TimesStephen HoldenBrassed Off is shamelessly manipulative and sentimental, but in an agreeably familiar way.
- 67Austin ChronicleRussell SmithAustin ChronicleRussell SmithIn the end, though, the undeniable power and emotional richness of this film swing the balance toward the good.
- 60Washington PostDesson ThomsonWashington PostDesson ThomsonBrassed Off gets bogged down in sentimentality; and that political agenda is spread on thick.
- 50SalonStephanie ZacharekSalonStephanie ZacharekHerman isn't sure if he's doing a big-statement picture or a tiny treasure of a comedy, and his confusion throws Brassed Off off balance.
- 50San Francisco ExaminerWalter AddiegoSan Francisco ExaminerWalter AddiegoWriter-director Mark Herman seems genuinely moved by the plight of the mining communities, but his attempt to translate those feelings into a story shows the effects of hard labor.
- 50Washington PostStephen HunterWashington PostStephen HunterAn odd duck of a movie, it's really a British Labor Party television commercial bitterly shoehorned into the cheesy format of an American triumph fantasy, with a horn section.
- 50The Globe and Mail (Toronto)Rick GroenThe Globe and Mail (Toronto)Rick GroenAs well-meaning elegies go, especially ones to working stiffs prematurely ripped from their subterranean roots, Brassed Off is the pits: It's a miner opus in a minor key.