In the U.S., this show ran under the title "BBC: Airport" as it is a BBC-produced show. It ran on the Discovery Wings Channel which eventually turned into the Military Channel so the show disappeared along with the channel. I was fortunate enough to record the marathon of the show that they aired before the end of the channel.
This show allows one to view what goes on behind-the-scenes at the airport and within an airplane and those who work there. The shows that I saw were mostly focused on Heathrow Airport which is one of the busiest airports in the world. You would know if you have been there. One show consists of 3-4 different stories that they follow and flash back to each story as the show goes on. One particular person that the show follows a lot is a ground staff member of Cyprus Airlines. As passengers, we tend to get sensitive when something doesn't go our way. On this show, we are able to view the staff's perspective on how tough their job really is. Stories on this show usually end on a happy note. As a traveler, it only motivates me to travel more. It also helps me to appreciate the work and care that airport and airline staff gives to make my journey better.
I am not sure if this show still exists because of conflicting comments but it is a must watch, new episode or old episode. Bon Voyage!