I expected there to be a fair amount of slapstick humor in this given the film's title, but it is actually quite reserved in almost all aspects. It may be a Troma flick, but do not expect Lloyd Kaufman-directed levels of absurdity. The humor is bland. I only managed to laugh at two gags throughout the movie's entirety.
For a zombie flick, it is also very lacking in blood and gore. There is some (barely), but those looking for a gut-ripping gorefest will be very disappointed. Like on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being Dead Alive, this would maybe be a 2. 2.5 at best.
For a flick with "chicks" in the title, it is also severely lacking in showing any skin! There's some sex scenes but absolutely no nudity. ...actually, I take that back. You do see Don Calfa's butt, but was anyone really hoping for that?
So you have a biker/zombie exploitation film that's not gonna make you laugh, won't please gorehounds, and won't please the pervs hoping for some nude scenes. So what are we left with? Well, not much at all really. The title is cool. You get to see Billy Bob Thornton in one of his first roles, and get to see him take a knee to the groin. Um... There's a midget? (I'm sorry, dwarf). It's watchable, just boring, or at least not nearly exploitative enough to my liking.
This film does seem to have some sort of cult following given a few of the reviews here, but it wasn't my thing. There's way better (but also way worse) Troma movies out there.