I wasn't that excited to watch STRANGERS. After all, it has a score of 4,8 and it has only 2 reviews and it went straight to TV. But since one of the stories stars also Timothy Hutton (one of the actors of which some day I hope to finish all his available movies) I tried it but in the end it wasn't worth it.
In the first story Bernard (James Remar) is an American businessman that has to go to Paris for work and meets with a woman named Helen (Linda Fiorentino). Overall as time passes he knows that he shouldn't go out with that woman because she would cause him trouble.
In the second story The Guy (Lambert Wilson) is a doctor working in France that becomes smitten with The Girl (Joan Chen) unknown that she has connections with the Chinese mob but my brain didn't payed attention to it.
In the third (and final thank goodness!) Tom the student* (Hutton) is an exchange student that while in his flat notices a young woman abused by her husband and having a discussion with her old neighbours he arranges a meeting with her and the two end falling in love even tho she decides to not start any relationship but Tom will never forget of having been some sort of comfort friend for a mistreated woman.
Even tho this isn't saying much, the third story was the best and the only reason I didn't scored it a 1 was because of Timothy Hutton that looked like the only one who seemed to try with the terrible material. The other two stories were so badly acted and so unbelievable that after the viewing my brain wanted to erase them on purpose. Not even a bad movie in a so bad it's funny way, as you'll end up roll your eyes
* I know this happens mostly with teens played by folks on their 20s but here Hutton plays a college student when he was already 32 while I am a college student but 24. So, while his story was the best in this abomination, I found that element offensive considering I am still attending college.