This is the best anime series to come from the mind of Yuzo Takada. He has created the defining element in the field of anime which represents a unique blend of varied genres...It has combined elements of action, adventure, romance, horror, and even true love! However, there exists a striking difference between the subtitled and the dubbed versions of the series. The Japanese voice actors delivered a spectacular performance and captured the youthful essence of Fujii Yakumo, Pai, Ling Ling, and the other characters of the series. The idea of the reluctant hero of Fujii Yakumo and the powerful but passive female of Pai is unique in anime and represents a new paradigm for anime. The majority of the American voice actors delivered a mediocre performance that failed to capture the raw emotional peaks and valleys of the original performance. A kudo must be given to Rebecca Forstadt whose performance of the voice of Pai was spectacular and a rare jewel to be observed. If you are a fan of anime, 3x3 Eyes is a must see for everyone.