This is the sequel to "Virgin High" and revolves around the same premise. Nerdy horn-ball, Jerry tries to use hypnosis to get his girlfriend to have sex with him. This back fires and she ends up thinking she has had a religious calling and she joins a convent. Jerry and his buddies must dress up to infiltrate the convent and hypnotize his girlfriend into realizing what she's done. The film is hilarious and features a lot of catholic jokes, goofy mobsters and some brief nudity. Joe Toppe (aka Rajanesh Babakan)is adorable as a sweet gardener who gets mixed up with mobsters. Tane Mcclure gives another sultry performance as "Tiffany- the patron saint of jewelry". This movie also features a lot of Arby's references as did "Virgin High" and who doesn't like that? Finally it marks the film debut of Melinda Clarke who you all may know as the conniving seductress Julie Cooper on The O.C. as Jerry's girlfriend.