- Biff Tannen: Doc, Doc! My flux capacitor's out, Doc! Help me, help! Hey please, Doc, help me! Help! Doc I'm heading for a waterfall. It's a LAVA-fall! Please, Doc, help me! Please bump me!
- Biff Tannen: [after short-circuiting the lab, and trapping Doc in his own office, he knocks] Hello! Hello! Dr. Brown!
- Doc Brown: Biff! How in the blazes did you get here?
- Biff Tannen: [revealing the tied up scientists] Why don't you ask these bozos?
- Institute Scientist: [Biff removes the tape off of the scientist's mouth] Dr. Brown. Our team was conducting an experiment back in 1955.
- Female IFT Scientist: He must have stowed away!
- Biff Tannen: Hey! I'm not the one to pass on a free ride!
- Doc Brown: At any rate, stay alert. If Tannen gets his hands on some of the equipment around here at the Institute, it could mean the end of the very universe as we know it! Anyway... enjoy the rest of your visit.
- Doc Brown: Don't forget, when you see Biff in the DeLorean, accelerate to 88 miles per hour and bump him! Accelerating now at 55 miles per hour 65, 75, 85, 88 MILES PER HOUR!