You will be surprised by Pierce Brosnan in this film a number of times, but the other actors are also excellent, Shanna Reed as the mother and Terry O'Quinn as the drinking father. It's a complicated family drama, beginning with divorce procedures in which the mother (Shanna Reed) gets all the custody of the boy, which the father (Terry O'Quinn) refuses to accept, which is why he from the beginning appears as the villain of the play. However, as matters develop, you learn that he is a policeman, and his objections against Shanna Reed's new husband (Pierce Brosnan) should be quite normal for a natural father, but he is not. Things really get complicated when the boy is kidnapped, and no one can understand by whom or why, since there is no demand for any ransom. Finally things get really heated when the kidnappers are located with a resulting shootout, but both Brosnan and O'Quinn also carry guns. Meanwhile the whole mess of the family business lying behind it all is gradually sorted out, and there are some final settlements. It's a great thriller, great acting performances, a very well written script revealing only morsels at a time, so there is no chance for any naps of boredom. You will stick to it till the end even if the final solution will occur afterwards.