Orlando (1992)
Billy Zane: Shelmerdine
Shelmerdine : If I were a man...
Orlando : You?
Shelmerdine : I might choose not to risk my life for an uncertain cause. I might think that freedom won by death is not worth having. In fact...
Orlando : You might choose not to be a real man at all. Say, if I was a woman...
Shelmerdine : You?
Orlando : I might choose not to sacrifice my life caring for my children, nor my children's children, nor to drown anonymously in the milk of female kindness, but instead, say, to go abroad. Would I then be...
Shelmerdine : A real woman?
Shelmerdine : You're hurt ma'am.
Orlando : I'm dead, sir.
Shelmerdine : Dead. That's serious. Can I help?
Orlando : Will you marry me?
Shelmerdine : Ma'am... I would gladly, but I fear my ankle is twisted.
Shelmerdine : I've been abroad. But east.
Orlando : Then you know as well as I, how good it is to travel. Like a free spirit. Unfettered by position or possession.
Shelmerdine : Unfettered.
Shelmerdine : Come with me.
Orlando : I cannot. I can't just follow you.
Shelmerdine : You can stay and stagnate in the past or leave and live for the future! The choice is yours.
Shelmerdine : What's that?
Orlando : The future.