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A woman awakens unclothed in bed. Breasts and butt are visible for a few seconds, pubic hair only fleetingly.
A man and woman lie down in tall grass; sex is implied. We later learn she is pregnant.
Another woman reveals she is pregnant by her lover.
Boy and girl, 8 and 9, shower. Their chests are briefly visible.
A 9 year sits down in just a shirt and her panties, her buttocks are seen when she sits down hugging her legs.
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Soldiers murder unarmed prisoners with machine guns. A pistol is placed to the head of one prisoner to finish him off; we don't see the actual impact. We see their bodies lying on the ground. No blood is visible in this scene.
A soldier faces a firing squad. We only hear the fusillade of shots.
A woman is shot, we see a cut and some blood on her leg.
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One word in French, "merde" ("shit"), not subtitled.
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No smoking. Beverages consumed at meals were likely wine, but it was never identified or emphasized.
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There are sad scenes of grieving, murder, and death from natural causes.