One night me and Jud had nothing better to do then drink and six pack and rent a movie (apologies to those Hardcore sXr edgers who think I am a loser for that). Being intelligent young lads we perused the store for an intelligent film which would arouse intellectual discourse. You know, something like waking life...instead we saw this and acknowledged that Alyssa Milano's cleavage looked pretty good. I always had a crush on her. Anyhow, this movie was completely satisfying. Sure it was retarded, but if you possibly purchase this expecting a good movie I think you should blame your own poor judgement. This movie featured numerous scenes with Alyssa Milano looking hot and Jamie Luner did not look bad either. I also like the 1950s private college/beach party setting. What a nice retro touch! Finally the climactic end scene could not be denied, I will not reveal it, I will only say that it was worth the wait.