While there is much to be desired in terms of plot, 'Women on the Run' delivers plenty of action, good performances from the female leads and enough violence and nudity to deserve it's category III rating. It concerns the plight of two women who both find themselves betrayed by the men they love. It's a violent female 'buddy' movie, with two mismatched heroines, a policewoman (Cheung) & a drug addicted prostitute(Guo) joining forces to gain revenge. It was nice though to see the women given the bulk of the action as no male 'love interest' appears halfway through the movie to protect the leads and hog the action. The fights themselves are plentiful & very well done. Cheung is an effective fighter & Tamara Guo briefly fights naked twice, firstly handing a short beating out to a disrespectful client and later as she unsuccessfully fights off a horde of rapists. One thing which can be disliked about Cat III movies is the rape of women seems to a standard plot device however lethal the women may be. Cheung & Guo defeat legions of guys before and after the gang rape but become weak victims as soon as the guys unzip their pants (thankfully the rape is not shown). Despite the proficiency of Cheung & Guo, the standout performer is the villain 'King Kong', played by Jeung Yuen, who is incredible in a fight with the female leads.
Now available on DVD, 'Women on the Run' is trashy, sleazy late night fare, but highly recommended!.