This is really quite an uplifting and humorous film. The story basically revolves around a hotel that is regularly harassed by the Yakuza (the Japanese Mafia) by using civil manipulation to extort money. The hotel decides to hire a sassy, street-smart and charming lawyer, who also happens to be a woman, to help and train the hotel staff to defend itself against the Yakuza's "gentle extortion" tactics.
There are a lot of funny and charming moments in the beginning as the hotel employees try to deal with the Yakuza on their own, and fail miserably. But when Miyamoto enters the picture as the wily lawyer and employs her strategies, the movie really picks up its pace and proceeds to the uplifting and somewhat sad ending.
It is really great to see the evolution of the main characters from whimpering sissies into confident, headstrong and defiant defenders of the old hotel. You'll laugh, you'll cheer.
Definitely a must see!