The film made headlines when the film's production assistant slapped Juhi Chawla"s secretary. Juhi's secretary lied and said she was sick with a fever in bed. When the production manager spotted Juhi and her secretary at the airport,he lost his cool. He had lied so he could get Juhi to shoot for another film. Prior to this,Juhi was needed to shoot for the film in Udaipur, but cancelled so she could go abroad for a concert.
Due to an issue with the film's original title not being correctly registered "Mere" was added in front of "Sajana saath nibhana". The film's soundtrack was released in late 1991 with the original title Sajana Saath Nibhana.
In 1990 juhi chawla signed 3 films opposite Mithun. Sajana saath nibhana, Parmaatma and an untitled Kawal sharma film. Juhi kept delaying the first two to the extent producers blamed her publicly for the delay. It is said the Kapoor camp wanted to keep Juhi and advised her to stop signing films opposite Mithun or Govinda and delay those that she signed.