Susan Tyrrell credited as playing...
Claudia Furschtien
- Klaus Furschtien: Excuse us, but we couldn't help but overhear your conversation.
- Claudia Furschtien: We were just wondering if you really could win a race around the world.
- Brittany Miller: I would!
- Alvin Seville: Not a chance!
- Klaus Furschtien: I know she could win.
- Claudia Furschtien: Would you like to make a little wager?
- Klaus Furschtien: Why not?
- [to Brittany]
- Klaus Furschtien: I bet a million dollars on this cutie.
- Claudia Furschtien: [to Alvin] And I bet on this handsome gentleman.
- Alvin Seville: A million dollars? You're joking, right?
- Klaus Furschtien: Certainly not. We're quite wealthy, and very bored.
- Claudia Furschtien: What a brilliant idea this was of mine!
- Klaus Furschtien: It's not over yet, Claudia.
- Claudia Furschtien: I'm sure you know Sophie, but I don't think you've met Mario. He has a tendency to talk too much.
- Claudia Furschtien: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Klaus Furschtien: Don't be ridiculous. It's too dangerous. They're only children.
- Claudia Furschtien: Exactly. Who would suspect them?
- Klaus Furschtien: No, Claudia. It's out of the question.
- Claudia Furschtien: Listen to me, Klaus! If you think I'm going to make you box up this deal, like you did the last one...
- Klaus Furschtien: Must you keep reminding me? I underestimated Jamal! It won't happen again!
- Claudia Furschtien: You bet it won't! We're doing things *my* way this time!
- Claudia Furschtien: The girls first stop is Bermuda... The boys are going to Mexico City.
- Phone Voice: Is someone else on the line?
- Claudia Furschtien: Don't be ridiculous. There's no one here but Klaus and Mario.
- [Sophie barks]
- Claudia Furschtien: And Sophie. Keep in touch.
- [hangs up the phone]
- Claudia Furschtien: Now, here are the rules... Each of you will be taken a different route.
- Klaus Furschtien: And to make sure to travel completely Around the World. Both teams must deposit one doll on twelve different locations... You'll be giving opposing team's doll to verify you were there. The first one back wins $100,000!
- Alvin Seville: A hundred...
- Brittany Miller: Thousand dollars!
- Inspector Jamal: Well... If it isn't my old friends: Klaus and Claudia.
- Klaus Furschtien: Here's to you, Claudia.
- [Police Officer handcuffs to Klaus, He and Claudia gets in the police car, Inspector Jamal closes the police car and she sees Sophie with Police Officer]
- Claudia Furschtien: If so much as one hair is out of place on my Sophie, You'll live regret it!
- [Claudia is painting her toenails, when the phone rings, grabs the receiver and answers it]
- Claudia Furschtien: Hello.
- Phone Voice: Ma'am, we located the girls. They've strayed nearly a thousand miles off course.
- Claudia Furschtien: [angrily] What?
- [she flings her toe polish across her toes. She wipes up the mess with a hand towel]
- Claudia Furschtien: They must have discovered the jewels and decided to make a break for it!
- Phone Voice: Well, ma'am? We tried to stop them. But, they were very very slippery.
- Claudia Furschtien: I don't want your excuses! I want those dolls, and don't come back without them!
- [she slams down the phone, angrily]