The film was originally shot in Italian and dubbed in English, with some shots redone with the American actors speaking English. The release in the United States is this version, with some actors speaking English on camera, but the soundtrack is the dubbed version also in English. This has the odd result of some actors, like Jared Martin speaking English on camera, but still dubbed (also in English) by another voice actor.
Shot in November, 1986.
In the walls of the rooms of the Institute, there are posters of Rocky Balboa, as well as of Maverick, from Top Gun (1986)
This film's plot is oddly similar to an episode of the TV series Smallville. In the episode titled "Spirit", a popular teen is comatose after a car accident and possesses everyone she comes in contact with. In this film, the comatose teen is unpopular and exacts her revenge on her tormentors while also possessing just one other person rather than several people.