In the Rocky Mountains, Harry Kenyon (Mike Farrell) seeks out his missing wife Chris Kenyon in the Winter Parade. Harry meets Lieutenant Rudameyer (Elliott Gould) and tells that he is from San Francisco and has just married Chris, who is from Philadelphia, in Las Vegas. They traveled to the Rockies in honeymoon and they had an argument on the previous day and Chris left their isolate cabin driving her car. Harry also tells that he is worried with her disappearance since she is not a good driver.
Harry returns to his cabin and receives a phone call from the local priest, Father Macklin (Fred Gwynne), who summons him to go to the church. Father Macklin tells that Chris (Margot Kidder) is in the church waiting for him. When Harry sees Chris, he tells that she is not his wife; but the woman knows details of their lives and Harry is discredited by the evidences. Is a stranger impersonating Chris or is Harry delusional?
"Vanishing Act" is one of my favorite movies ever and very difficult to be found. I saw this movie in the 80's, borrowed on VHS from a video rental, and since then I have not had the chance to see it again. The VHS is rare; it was inexplicably not released on DVD or Blu-Ray; and is not available for download. Yesterday I found a Youtube with "Vanishing Act" divided in three parts and that was the chance to see it again.
"Vanishing Act" has a top-notch screenplay, with several plot points and the truth is only disclosed in the last scene. Elliott Gould has one of his best performances in the role of the witty New Yorker Lieutenant Rudameyer and Joel Cohen built in "Fargo" the character Marge Gunderson performed by Frances McDormand that recalls the cool behavior of Rudameyer. Margot Kidder is very gorgeous and Fred Gwynne is very funny. Mike Farrell gives credibility to his character and makes the viewer sympathize with his situation. Maybe I have exaggerated a little giving a ten to this movie, but I really love it and I believe it will please any viewer. My vote is ten.
Title (Brazil): Not Available