Let me preface my review by saying that I really liked this 1984 crime/suspense film.
The plot which leaves everyone wondering what will become of the five (5) million dollars that the young but dead (too soon) computer game programmer Carly Kendall (Diana Reis) has absconded with and put in a safe place that her criminal accomplices can't get their greedy little hands on. Carly realizes that there will be a lot of people after her and after her stolen five (5) million dollars so as any good computer programmer would do, Carly backed up her illicit computer files with one single clue that her dipsy airline stewardess sister Bobbie Kendall (Gina Massey) will need to figure out even though Bobbie initially has no clue that her big (and much smarter) sister has stolen and then hidden the five (5) million dollars into her latest computer game creation, THRILLKILL.
One of the baddest and sexiest hired guns chasing the money and by default Bobbie is the tough as nails Adrian (Laura Robinson). There are a few twists and turns that keep this somewhat outdated crime/suspense film even interesting by todays standards. I always reminisce when I see someone typing on a keyboard and watching each letter appear on a green screen dot...by dot...by dot....by dot matrix.
This is worth a watch and it will take you back to the 1980's early computer games and cinematography without any of that annoying CGI which is so prevalent in todays ho hum films.
I give it a 6 out of 10 IMDB rating.