This film was based on an original work by Peter Hubbard.
Music composers Steven Arnold and Graham Tardif, after reading the script and discussing all aspects of the film with writer-director Rolf de Heer, and viewing the rough cut, the two musicians set to work in a small studio in Arnold's parents' house in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - creating the music to the final cut of the film. The result was a rich score that both interpreted and enhanced the many levels of the film.
This Australian feature film has only ever been released on DVD as part of a "Rolf de Heer Collection" DVD box set and has never been video released individually in Australia since its VHS home video release on Roadshow Home Video during the mid-1980s.
The make and model of the vintage bi-plane was a De Havilland Tiger Moth.
The De Havilland Tiger Moth first appeared in 1931 according to official publicity for this picture.