13 reviews
Having captured a humanoid alien who had been feasting on Italian immigrants, a jaded American police detective is surprised to find that the law actually is not on his side in this quirky comedy with more to it than meets the eye. Yes, the premise is incredibly silly, however, while the film initially just seems to be a series of devouring scenes, things become very interesting once the alien is captured as he is treated with all the legal rights afforded to human beings. As the cop in question, Ron Silver gives some hilarious deadpan reactions as he is told by a psychiatrist that the alien is "cured (and) no longer a threat" since he now understands that what he did was wrong! Also, apparently carbon dating has proved that the alien is child in the eyes of the law, so he needs to be treated like a minor! The film does not explore all of this as deeply as it could (is he is old enough to make his own decisions about what he does in bed?) but either way, such thoughtfulness is both surprising and refreshing in such an ostensibly frivolous film like this and it more than makes up for the fact that several gags backfire (the short order cook who keeps deep frying his possessions is absolutely groan-inducing). That said, most of the humour does in fact work. Silver's penchant for narrating his life in third person is an especially good touch with lots of funny moments as other characters ask him what on earth he is doing. The constant cutting between his boss eating and obsessing with food (cake layers) and the alien devouring Italians adds some unexpected humour too.
I saw this on late night TV when I was about 14, and it made quite an impression on me because it was weird and gross. In fact, an unhealthy interest in cannibalism may have sprung from this movie. As well as my dramatic weight increase over the last decade. Anyway, I liked the film a lot at the time, despite the fact I could hardly hear it, because I had the TV volume incredibly low, as I was scared that some pornographic or blood-bakingly horrific sound would wake my parents up and have them tumbling down the stairs, at which point they'd see that their innocent kid was watching a film about a fat cannibal from outer space. The film struck me as much more of a horror than a comedy. I could see dark humour, for sure, but it seemed pretty horrific. I'm not crazy about seeing it again. I don't have a desperate need to track it down, as I'm sure it wasn't really that good. Instead, I'll stick with my memory of an interesting and grotesque concept. If I make a film with a cannibalism theme some time in the future, I may owe a debt of thanks to this oddity.
I liked this movie a lot. It was on TV several times when I was younger. Ron Silver narrates out loud to himself during the movie and other characters occasional complain and ask him to stop. He also refers to his girlfriend, the judge, as "your honor darling". I've been trying to find this movie again for several years, I'll probably have to try to get a bootleg from ebay. It's cheesy etc., but has some very funny moments and ideas. I think calling it an airplane rip-off is inaccurate.
- creoderiot
- Feb 19, 2004
- Permalink
Before I start I did watch this movie twice, i didn't like it at all when I saw for the first first then watched it watched it second, i did find it bit more funny then before.
The plot A humanoid alien lands on earth, and soon discovers he likes to eat Italian. Italian people, that is. Incompetent detective McSorely is the only one with a clue about what's going on, and even his grasp of the situation isn't too firm. The rest of the police force thinks he's crazy, while the alien continues sampling the Italian cuisine of New York City This movie is so Cheese movies, if you do like cheesy movies this is cheesy at it best. Not scary at all (Maybe for 4 year old).
The whole movie is over the top and acting not bad for this kinda of movie.
It did have some really funny stuff in this movie, McSorely who talking to (us instead of using the voice over thing ) himself was really funny.
Everytimes his goes to see his boss, The boss is always eating, you don't see him not eat at all.
Alien itself was silly just like the whole of the movie was over the top however it fitted in well with the rest of the movie
If you like really cheesy movies, check this out others wise i don't recommender this movie to anyone else 3/10
The plot A humanoid alien lands on earth, and soon discovers he likes to eat Italian. Italian people, that is. Incompetent detective McSorely is the only one with a clue about what's going on, and even his grasp of the situation isn't too firm. The rest of the police force thinks he's crazy, while the alien continues sampling the Italian cuisine of New York City This movie is so Cheese movies, if you do like cheesy movies this is cheesy at it best. Not scary at all (Maybe for 4 year old).
The whole movie is over the top and acting not bad for this kinda of movie.
It did have some really funny stuff in this movie, McSorely who talking to (us instead of using the voice over thing ) himself was really funny.
Everytimes his goes to see his boss, The boss is always eating, you don't see him not eat at all.
Alien itself was silly just like the whole of the movie was over the top however it fitted in well with the rest of the movie
If you like really cheesy movies, check this out others wise i don't recommender this movie to anyone else 3/10
Man, this is by no means as bad as eighties crappy comedies like 91/2 ninjas, but it's not so hilarious as it thinks it is either.
An alien (played by a giant actor who is sadly no longer with us) lands on Earth and immediately starts chowing down on the Italian populace of New York, because, you know, Italian food tastes the best (except curry).
It's all down to cop Ron Silver to bring down the alien, with one complication, the judge he's banging (badly) turns out to be Italian, but she's also going easy on criminals and lets the alien go and also falls in love with him, but what happens when the alien finds out she's Italian.
Full of many, many failed gags, Eat and Run almost works due to Silver's constant narrating of the plot to himself and others (which works very well when he meets his dad, who does the same thing). A lot of bad jokes too, however, as it's going for a kind of Airplane type atmos but doesn't quite make it. Ron Silver ain't with us anymore either. That's depresses me. Can actors from the eighties stop dying please? It's not a film I would have tracked down hadn't I purchased it and 25 other dvds for £3 at Polmadie Car Boot Sale...
An alien (played by a giant actor who is sadly no longer with us) lands on Earth and immediately starts chowing down on the Italian populace of New York, because, you know, Italian food tastes the best (except curry).
It's all down to cop Ron Silver to bring down the alien, with one complication, the judge he's banging (badly) turns out to be Italian, but she's also going easy on criminals and lets the alien go and also falls in love with him, but what happens when the alien finds out she's Italian.
Full of many, many failed gags, Eat and Run almost works due to Silver's constant narrating of the plot to himself and others (which works very well when he meets his dad, who does the same thing). A lot of bad jokes too, however, as it's going for a kind of Airplane type atmos but doesn't quite make it. Ron Silver ain't with us anymore either. That's depresses me. Can actors from the eighties stop dying please? It's not a film I would have tracked down hadn't I purchased it and 25 other dvds for £3 at Polmadie Car Boot Sale...
A portly alien (Pat Ryan, the big guy from The Toxic Avenger and Street Trash) wanders around the city eating people while a detective (Ron Silver) is on his trail. Man, when I think of comedy, I think Ron Silver (the mention Silkwood on the VHS cover to sell you on his comedy skills). This is so unfunny that I pined for the sophisticated wit of Night Patrol (1984). It is also only 80 minutes but feels like Andy Warhol's Empire (1964). The big gag from director/co-writer Christopher Hart is to have Silver say all of his detective interior monologues out loud. It happens through the entire movie. At one point he goes to visit his detective father and the father does it too. COMEDY! The LONE funny gag involved a lady who was trying to get away from a killer. She hails over a street mime and tells him to call Silver's detective. The pay off is the mime does as told, but when he makes the call he can't talk. (insert interior monologue to be read aloud) udar55 hangs his head in shame, wondering what he has done with his life.
Too funny! This movie is _way_ underrated. C'mon people! 3.2???? Have a heart (and a funnybone).
The piano music that the detectives dad played coming as muzak finally had me laughing out loud. Too MUCH! I was still playing over and over in my mind the mime that was going for help by RUNNING IN PLACE! I was crying laughing when the mime put his elbow on the imaginary support and she was like "Don't just stand there! Go get help!" I feel for the actual real life actor who played the part of the alien eater and know his health can't be good. I have a friend that is almost as large yet eats like a bird, so I really feel empathy for the big guy.
Anyway, a perfect movie at 3am after watching "Mr. Brooks" and "The Island", it sorta broke the somber mood and I was able to go to bed in light spirits.
The piano music that the detectives dad played coming as muzak finally had me laughing out loud. Too MUCH! I was still playing over and over in my mind the mime that was going for help by RUNNING IN PLACE! I was crying laughing when the mime put his elbow on the imaginary support and she was like "Don't just stand there! Go get help!" I feel for the actual real life actor who played the part of the alien eater and know his health can't be good. I have a friend that is almost as large yet eats like a bird, so I really feel empathy for the big guy.
Anyway, a perfect movie at 3am after watching "Mr. Brooks" and "The Island", it sorta broke the somber mood and I was able to go to bed in light spirits.
- saint_brett
- Jul 28, 2022
- Permalink
Ron Silver would undoubtedly be ashamed to be associated with such a low-budget film, but this Airplane-esque movie about an alien with an appetite for humans, a cop without a clue, and a judge without batteries has its funny moments. Most notable: the pusher-Pasha-porsche banter between the McSorley brothers.
Ah, the wasted potential in this Christopher Hart (a man truly well-known for his hands-- portrayer of Thing in the Addams Family films, Lefty in Quicksilver Highway, The Hands in Idle Hands... you get the idea)-directed Airplane! wannabe. Ron Silver (many, many TV films) plays a bumbling cop with a liberal-judge girlfriend (veteran soap chanteuse Sharon Schlarth) assigned to track down a serial killer of Italians who's known for leaving no traces except the buttons of the shirts of his victims. Turns out the killer is actually an alien, Murray Creature (R. L. "Pat" Ryan, best known for a brief association with Troma Films), who upon crash-landing on Earth was picked up by a sausage vendor and developed a taste for, shall we say, Italian food. Sight gags abound and there's some great wordplay between Ron Silver and his brother Robert, who plays an informant, but this movie would be immeasurably better had they at least tried to do something that hadn't already been done in a slew of Leslie Nielsen films. * 1/2
I would just like to comment that this movie scared the everloving bejeezus out of me when i was a child. Seriously, to the point where if i saw even the box sitting on a shelf in the video rental store i would start panicing as if the walls were closing in on me. All i ever remember of this movie is the very first scene where the fat guy eats a roadside hot dog vendor. I distincivly remember the victum's eye-view being the last shot of that scene. So a word of advice, don't let your children watch this. I grew up to be a pretty skinny guy and i won't set aside the fact that this movie may take some of the blame...
- MikeisBored
- Jun 30, 2003
- Permalink
My review was written in December 1986 after watching the film at a Times Square screening room.
"Eat and Run" is a one-joke horror spoof that plays like a "Saturday Night Live" tv sketch stretched out to 90 minutes duration. Filmed as "Mangia" two summers ago in Manhattan, New World pickup opened in Chicago in October and is headed mainly for midnight bookings.
Ron Silver toplines as a police detective given to narrating out loud his misadventures in 1940s tough guy fashion, a habit picked up from his dad (Derek Murcott). He's on a missing persons case, the result of a tubby alien (R. L. Ryan) landing in New Jersey and eating up Italian Americans because the first person he meets (and eats) is Italian, making him addicted to "Italian food".
Silver links up romantically with a judge (Sharon Schlarth) who despite being named Cohen turns out to be Italian. She improbably falls in love with the alien, but Silver saves the day, only to end up in hot water himself in a ridiculous, unsatisfying ending.
Chatty film is directed by newcomer Christopher Hart (who scripted with his dad Stan Hart) in the manner of a radio play; static visuals present a pleasant but unatmospheric background to verbal humor. High points are two well-delivered (by Silver and cohorts) variations on Danny Kaye's patented, fast-paced alliteration routines, though without Kaye's rhythm of singing attributes. Otherwise, pic is deadly dull, hammering its gag firmly into the ground via repetition.
With no special effects, gore or sexploitation, film seems like a G-rated approach with dirty words inserted to get an R rating.
"Eat and Run" is a one-joke horror spoof that plays like a "Saturday Night Live" tv sketch stretched out to 90 minutes duration. Filmed as "Mangia" two summers ago in Manhattan, New World pickup opened in Chicago in October and is headed mainly for midnight bookings.
Ron Silver toplines as a police detective given to narrating out loud his misadventures in 1940s tough guy fashion, a habit picked up from his dad (Derek Murcott). He's on a missing persons case, the result of a tubby alien (R. L. Ryan) landing in New Jersey and eating up Italian Americans because the first person he meets (and eats) is Italian, making him addicted to "Italian food".
Silver links up romantically with a judge (Sharon Schlarth) who despite being named Cohen turns out to be Italian. She improbably falls in love with the alien, but Silver saves the day, only to end up in hot water himself in a ridiculous, unsatisfying ending.
Chatty film is directed by newcomer Christopher Hart (who scripted with his dad Stan Hart) in the manner of a radio play; static visuals present a pleasant but unatmospheric background to verbal humor. High points are two well-delivered (by Silver and cohorts) variations on Danny Kaye's patented, fast-paced alliteration routines, though without Kaye's rhythm of singing attributes. Otherwise, pic is deadly dull, hammering its gag firmly into the ground via repetition.
With no special effects, gore or sexploitation, film seems like a G-rated approach with dirty words inserted to get an R rating.