My review was written in June 1987 after watching the movie on TWE video cassette.
Thunder is back and Bo Svenson's got him in "Thunder Warrior 2", a photogenic if uneventful sequel to the Italian made-in-U. S. A. Action pic of several years back.
Indian hero Thunder (Italian thesp Mark Gregory) returns home in the sequel, appointed by the governor as a deputy sheriff to Sheriff Roger (Bo Svenson), who had him sent to prison in part one. His adversary once again is the corrupt deputy (Raimund Harmstorf), running a profitable drug trade. An Indian chief is murdered by the frug ring and Thunder is out to get to the bottom of this when Harmstorf frames him for muder and it's back to Arizona's state pen.
Thunder escapes on cue and there's plenty of chases and helicopter stunts in Monument Valley until the hero puts on his war paint to go after Harmstorf. Finale is disappointing and confusing with Svenson sending the hero (with wife Karen Reel) away and cryptically taking aim at their car with his rifle in the final shot. Never fear, a third installment is in the works.
Monument Valley is a lovely backdrop for this nonsense, rendered a bit hard to take by the pidgin English dialog. Filmmaker Fabrizio De Angelis evidently gets away with minimal efforts like these, but even a lowkey hero like Thunder will need more interesting challenges to keep an audience coming back for more.