Why did I see this movie? Because of Rob Lowe. Why did I enjoy this movie? Because it's cute fluff. This is a Cinderella tale, complete with requisite wicket roommates and a fashion-traumatized Fairy Godmother. Jennifer Grey plays the Cinderella character and she designs shoes. She also falls in love with Salvitore (Rob Lowe) for absolutely no reason that the audience can tell, as he's pretty much a self-absorbed designer who wears sequins. After Kelly, our hapless heroine, helps a tourist (the fairy godmother) her shoes become magical, and when she wears them she becomes Prudence, the fashion model that Salvitore immediately falls in love with. Well, I'm sure you can guess what happens, Kelly and Prudence force Salvitore to choose between them, and he makes the right choice, of course. But it _is_ a cute movie, and I suggest that if you're lucky enough to find it (and it is cheap on Amazon.com) go ahead and watch it.