"Ghar Ho To Aisa" is a 1990 Indian Hindi-language drama film that showcases superb acting by the dynamic duo, Anil Kapoor and Meenakshi Sheshadri. The film, directed by Kalpataru and produced by Firoz Nadiadwala, revolves around the dysfunctional Kumar family and the transformative journey led by the younger son, Amar.
The movie boasts an impressive cast with standout performances from Meenakshi Sheshadri as the feisty daughter-in-law, providing a stark contrast to Deepti Naval's portrayal of the meek oppressed daughter-in-law. Bindu, playing her trademark negative mother-in-law character, adds depth to the narrative with convincing conviction.
The film explores themes of greed, abuse, and redemption within a family, making it a compelling watch. Anil Kapoor's portrayal of Amar, the honest and kind-hearted youth, is commendable. Meenakshi Sheshadri shines in her role as Seema, bringing forth a character that evolves from hatred to love.
The plot takes an interesting turn when Amar and Seema decide to seek revenge on the toxic Kumar family. The narrative is filled with twists and turns as they infiltrate the household, leading to moments of tension, drama, and ultimately, redemption.
The film's strength lies in its social commentary, addressing issues of domestic abuse and toxic family dynamics. The contrast between the characters adds layers to the storyline, making it engaging for the audience.
While the performances and storyline are commendable, some portions of the film may feel melodramatic and predictable. The movie successfully delivers its message, but the execution at times falls into conventional Bollywood tropes.
In conclusion, "Ghar Ho To Aisa" is a well-acted drama that explores important societal issues. The chemistry between Anil Kapoor and Meenakshi Sheshadri, coupled with the strong supporting cast, elevates the film. While it may not be a cinematic masterpiece, it certainly offers a satisfying blend of drama, emotion, and a message of redemption.