Science turned into awesome visual experience. Only the much more recent Beowulf 3D comes close visually (at least among 3d films I have seen) and "Echoes of the sun" is more fascinating for its scientific content. It's not only the 3d pov motion through space, but also the 3d pov shrinking of scale, all at the same time, as the virtual camera (and the astonished viewer with it) moves and shrinks to explore smaller and smaller scales from plant tissue to plant cells to blood cells to molecules. From this point of view (pun intended) this film is unique.
Quantum phenomena like the formation of molecules are vividly displayed, and the viewer feels surrounded by myriads of water molecules shivering and passing him by.
Many years of Japanese technical expertise and know-how, concentrated in half an hour which is the dream of a science teacher come true. In the theater where I saw this film, a woman in the audience near me spontaneously murmured "...the eye of God".
It's a good description: seeing "Echoes of the sun" you acquire an almost all-knowing vision, at least to the extent of contemporary molecular biology.
Too bad that films like this are so rare.
A spectacle with no parallel.