The show later revealed the connection to the popular video game. The show's events take place about 20 years after the video game's timeframe. Fred Edison is the son of the character Weird Ed. It is believed he was named Fred after the character of Dr. Fred. Like his grandfather, Fred Edison is also a doctor, although what his doctorate is in is unclear. It is believed that by now the characters in the game are presumably deceased and have willed the mansion and its scientific equipment to Fred Edison
The "Mansion" looked more like a Frank Lloyd Wright house. Set designer Stephen Roloff would say "George Lucas threw me a serious design challenge when he suggested that we drop the Gothic mansion called for in the show bible in favor of "a Frank Lloyd Wright house"--one week before construction was scheduled to begin. My team and I didn't get a lot of sleep."
The show was originally pitched as an "Addams Family"-style sitcom that would be a more direct adaptation of the game. It wasn't until Eugene Levy was brought on board as a creative developer that he decided he wanted the series to be a more traditional family sitcom and jettisoned all of the game's characters in favor of original creations that were merely inspired by the game, rather than directly influenced by it.
Based on a popular "point-and-click adventure" computer game with the same name although, besides the character Fred Edison, the game and the TV series have no connection; they don't even share a plot or storyline.
This is the only Lucasfilm television series that is not part of the "Star Wars" or "Indiana Jones" franchises.