This show wasn't on long enough to make a huge impression, and that's bizarre, because it had more than its share of ingredients for success.
It was a comedy that tended to go between "situational" and "outright humor". It was just a bit short of the boisterousness of "Coach", for example, and perhaps a bit more eccentric than "All In the Family".
It's hard to say what the show was about, because it was basically about the "good feeling" of the people. The show was an exercise in "positive reinforcement", but it wasn't dull.
Indeed, the comedy found it's way into the story with one major clown figure and one liner wit from several others.
The one liner wit of Holbrook and Reynolds just reached the right level. One step up would have been annoying. The actors and writers knew just how far to go. With two huge superstars, and a cast of other stars, along with the cleverness, one would have expected the show to continue. It probably was a case of not being able to decide where to go from there in time for the next season. The last episodes gave an ambiguous feeling, like they were searching for a new direction.