Donald Farmer, the writer and director of Scream Dream, is so enamoured with the godawful rock theme song for this film that he lets the band Rikk-o-shay perform it in its entirety, and then plays snippets of it throughout the rest of the movie. In addition to the overuse of really bad music, we get weak acting, laughable special effects, and a lousy script with diabolical dialogue.
The film opens promisingly enough, with a woman in bed grabbed by several hands and then being sliced up by a chainsaw that emerges from the mattress. This scene turns out to be part of a music promo for controversial heavy metal singer Michelle Shock (Carol Carr), whose wild shows and satanic lyrics have seen her accused of witchcraft and devil worship. Shock is, in fact, a demonic creature that preys on young male groupies; when one of her backing singers refuses to become another of her victims and kills her with an axe, she proceeds to possess her replacement, Jamie Summers (Melissa Moore), and continues with her unholy activities.
I'm a huge fan of both low-budget horror and heavy metal, but this one stinks on both counts. There are a few unintentional laughs to be had -- the crowds at Shock's shows being described as hardcore heavy metal freaks, when they're nothing of the sort, is hilarious, and a rubber hand-puppet monster is good for some giggles -- but mostly this is just inept and amateurish nonsense that bores more than it entertains.
1.5/10, rounded up to 2 for blonde babe Melissa Moore, who provides the gratuitous nudity.
N. B. The characters of Michelle and Linnea were most likely named after '80s scream queens Michelle Bauer and Linnea Quigley.