- [Fenix glances at The Invisible Man poster]
- Concha: Without me you are nothing. No one sees you and no one notices you. Just like your stupid hero.
- [last lines]
- Police: [on megaphone] Put your hands up!
- Fenix: [begins to raise hands] My hands... My hands! My hands.
- [laughs]
- Concha: You know what you have to do.
- Fenix: No, I don't want to!
- Concha: This girl has defiled you with her lust.
- Fenix: No, mum, it's not true! It's only a game!
- [begins to lose control of his hands]
- Fenix: No! I can't! Don't ask me to!
- Concha: I'm not asking you, I'm ordering... my hands... and my arms... to kill her. Kill her!
- Concha: It's always roosters or swans! You never see anything else in your ridiculous hallucinations.
- [first lines]
- [Fenix crouches naked atop a tree trunk in his barren asylum room]
- Doctor: [enters along with orderlies pushing a food cart] Fenix. Please...
- [offers him a normal meal]
- Doctor: Eat like a human being.
- [pause]
- Doctor: [puts the tray back down and offers him a raw fish]
- Fenix: [howls]
- [jumps down and grabs the fish]
- Fenix: Grr!
- [sits and begins eating it]
- Doctor: You can't just stay here all the time, not seeing anyone.
- [pause]
- Doctor: Now come on, stand up.
- Pimp: [leads Fenix and the handicapped boys away from ticket counter] Vengan, vengan. Come, I have a present for you.
- [points to movie posters]
- Pimp: Listen, this kind of stuff will make you sick. If you promise not to tell, I'll take you somewhere else... that's much more fun that the movies. A little sniff of this...
- [opens packet of cocaine]
- Pimp: and we'll see.