2sur 3 ayant trouvé ceci mild
A woman undresses and takes a shower. No nudity.
A man and woman begin kissing and hugging. Sex is implied.
A man and woman are seen in bed together. No nudity.
1sur 1 ayant trouvé ceci mild
Several bullets are fired from a pistol.
A man shoots through a glass door, seeing an intruder behind it. The intruder drops dead.
A woman runs out of a house followed by her daughter. She goes into the sea and is presumed drowned.
1 personne(s) sur 1 ont trouvé ceci none
1sur 1 ayant trouvé ceci mild
Some people are seen having drinks at a wedding party.
1sur 1 ayant trouvé ceci mild
A woman keeps hearing voices calling to her and sees what looks like her mother haunting her at the house.
The drowning sequence, though mild, might be frightening to children or sensitive persons.
Several "haunting" scenes are memorable but not considered frightening except maybe to young children.