I agree with 'csxmph'. I really liked this series. Yeah, it's goofy and yeah, it's old but it was perfect for it's time. I'd buy it if it came out. If I were completely honest, I'd say that I'd LOVE it if it came out. I remember it was a little dark, a lot rebellious and simmered with hostility. It was Jumpstreet, juiced up and in a nice car. RG was 'hot in the city' in the way that only a bad boy can be. Common girls.. you know what I'm talking about! Classic - who wouldn't want to see that? I'm telling you - it's timeless. A good episode (from the top of my head) was 'Somebody Stole Lucille'. Bits and pieces come to mind from other episodes but nothing definite enough to quote. Looks like I'd better dust off those old VHS and go through them again. As Molly M would say... 'Do yourself a favour..'