- Willow: What are you doing?
- Madmartigan: I found some blackroot. She loves it.
- Willow: Blackroot? I'm the father of two children, and you never, ever give a baby blackroot.
- Madmartigan: Well my mother raised us on it. It's good for you! It put's hair on your chest, right Sticks?
- Willow: Her name is not Sticks! She's Elora Danan, the future empress of Tir Asleen and the last thing she's gonna want is a hairy chest!
- Madmartigan: Did I really... Did I really say those things, last night, in your tent?
- Sorsha: You said you loved me.
- Madmartigan: I don't remember that.
- Sorsha: You lied to me.
- Madmartigan: No, I... I just wasn't myself last night.
- Sorsha: I suppose my power enchanted you and you were helpless against it.
- Madmartigan: Sort of.
- Sorsha: Then what?
- Madmartigan: It... went away.
- Sorsha: Went away? "I dwell in darkness without you" and it *went away*?
- Willow: See this acorn? I'll throw it at you and turn you to stone!
- Madmartigan: Ooh, I'm really scared. No! Don't! There's a- a peck here with an acorn pointed at me!
- High Aldwin: [throws an apple into the air which turns into a bird] Go in the direction the bird is flying!
- Burglekutt: He's going back to village!
- High Aldwin: Ignore the bird. Follow the river.
- Rool: We'll never catch up with those horses!
- Franjean: Then we will have to track them.
- Rool: That would take forever. Besides, even if we find them, they'd only capture us, stick us in cages, torture us and finally devour us!
- Franjean: Are you suggesting we go home?
- Rool: Nah, this is more fun.
- Franjean: All right, fine then. Come on!
- Willow: We need your help!
- Madmartigan: [sarcastically] My help? Why would you need my help? You're a *sorcerer*.
- Willow: You're a great warrior! And a swordsman!... And you're ten times bigger than I am, stupid!
- Burglekutt: [Vohnkar has volunteered to accompany Willow on his quest] No - not Vohnkar! He's the best warrior in the village, we need him here. Vohnkar - step back!
- High Aldwin: All this expedition needs is a leader. And according to the bones, that leader is... you, Burgelkutt.
- Burglekutt: Vohnkar!
- Willow: Don't call me a peck!
- Madmartigan: Oh, I'm sorry! Peck! Peck! Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck!
- Soldier: Outta the way, Peck!
- High Aldwin: I will consult the bones!
- [he shakes the bones out of the pouch and studies them]
- High Aldwin: [in a low voice, to Willow] The bones tell me nothing.
- [pause]
- High Aldwin: Have you any love for this child?
- Willow: [looks at Elora] Yes. Yes, I do.
- High Aldwin: [standing] The bones have spoken!
- [Sorsha takes off her helmet, revealing her face and long hair, after Madmartigan has pushed her away from him when she tries to look under his robe for Elora Danan]
- Madmartigan: [still disguised as 'Hilda' and speaking in a falsetto] You're... beautiful.
- Sorsha: And you're very strong.
- Madmartigan: Thank you...
- Sorsha: You're no woman!
- [she rips off Madmartigan's disguise]
- The Wench: Now, honey...
- Llug: Not a woman?
- The Wench: Easy!
- Madmartigan: Gentlemen...
- Llug: [outraged] NOT A WOMAN!
- Madmartigan: ...meet Llug.
- [he ducks just as Llug's punch knocks into the soldier holding him]
- Madmartigan: What the hell happened up there?
- Willow: You started spouting poetry. "I love you Sorsha! I worship you Sorsha!" You almost got us killed!
- Madmartigan: "I love you Sorsha?" I don't love her, she kicked me in the face! I hate her... Don't I?
- High Aldwin: Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition.
- Madmartigan: Wake from this hateful sleep, it deprives me of your beauty, beauty of your eyes.
- [Sorsha wakes up and pulls out a knife at Madmartigan]
- Sorsha: One move jackass, and you really will be a woman.
- [Sorsha stands up and pushes Madmartigan back]
- Madmartigan: You are my sun, my moon, my starlit sky, without you, dwell in darkness. I love you.
- Sorsha: What are you doing here?
- Madmartigan: Your power has enchanted me, I stand helpless against it. Come to me now, tonight let me worship you in my arms.
- Sorsha: Get away from me!
- Madmartigan: I love you!
- Sorsha: Stop saying that!
- Madmartigan: I can't stop the beating of my heart, it pounds like never before.
- Sorsha: Out of fear!
- Madmartigan: Out of love.
- Sorsha: I can stop it. I'll kill you!
- Madmartigan: Death makes the lovers trivial thing. Your touch is worth a hundred thousand deaths.
- Franjean: Good! Then we go that way, TO THE LAKE!
- Rool: [tapping Franjean's shoulder] *That* way.
- Franjean: You are drunk! And when you are drunk, you forget that I am in charge!
- Rool: [in unison] You are in charge. Fine, then which way do we go?
- Franjean, Rool: THAT WAY!
- Madmartigan: Oh, NO! That's the way I'm going! All right, all right, you can follow me as far as the lake. But that's it!
- [beat]
- Madmartigan: You're not going south, are you?
- Willow: No, no, just as far as the lake.
- Madmartigan: Good.
- [looks at Rool and Franjean]
- Madmartigan: Mumbo. Juimbo. I am hungry. Go get me some eggs or something.
- Franjean: We are *NOT* afraid of you!
- Madmartigan: NOW!
- Franjean, Rool: [startled them to give Madmartigan eggs]
- Madmartigan: What are you going to look like if this works?
- Fin Raziel: Don't interrupt.
- Madmartigan: Sorry.
- Fin Raziel: I'm a young beautiful woman.
- Madmartigan: Concentrate, Willow!
- Willow: What's that?
- Madmartigan: Smells like a battle.
- Willow: I suppose you're a warrior.
- Madmartigan: I am the greatest swordsman that ever lived. Say, um, can I have some of that water?
- [Willow and Madmartigan are freed from their cage. Madmartigan has just been sprayed with a love potion]
- Willow: Come on, Madmartigan. Let's get Elora Dannan out of here.
- Madmartigan: Yeah. It'll be fun!
- Madmartigan: Let me out of here, Airk. Give me a sword, I'll win this war for you.
- Airk: I still serve Galadorn, remember? You serve no one. Just sit in your coffin and rot.
- [Rides off]
- Madmartigan: I'll be around long after you're dead! When I get out of here, I'm gonna cut your head off and stick it on a pig pole!
- Willow: We found one of your babies in our village. Will you please take care of her?
- Airk: We're going into battle, little ones. Find a woman to take care of her.
- Madmartigan: He thought you *were* a woman, Airk!
- Madmartigan: [He and Willow have entered a fortress empty, save for petrified beings] Why did I *listen* to you, Peck? "Everything will be all right once we get to Tir Asleen". Well, the only army around here is the one that will ride across this valley and wipe us out!
- Willow: But Cherlindrea said we'd be safe here!
- Madmartigan: Safe? Look at these people! This place is cursed, Peck. It's falling apart. Open your eyes. And it...
- [Steps in a pile of troll dung]
- Madmartigan: Trolls!
- Willow: I found a boat. We're all set.
- Madmartigan: Good. Take these two lizards out and drown them.
- Rool: Lizards? Who you calling lizards? Grrr! Grrr! Your mother was a lizard!
- Cherlindrea: Elora Danan must survive. She must fulfill her destiny and bring about the downfall of Queen Bavmorda. Her powers are growing like an evil plague. Unless she is stopped, Bavmorda will control the lives of your village, your children, everyone. All creatures of good heart need your help, Willow. The choice is yours.
- Airk: Ha ha ha! Madmartigan. What'd you do this time?
- Madmartigan: Nothing you wouldn't have done in my place.
- Airk: I always knew you'd end up in a crow's cage.
- Madmartigan: Well, at least I'm not down there herding sheep.
- Willow: Here are her changing rags and her milk bladder.
- Madmartigan: Any milk in there?
- Willow: It's for *her*!
- Madmartigan: I wouldn't steal from a *baby*! You worry too much, Peck.
- Meegosh: It's Willow!
- Madmartigan: [crying] I guess I am gonna die here. Who cares?
- Willow: [offers him a cup of water] Here.
- Madmartigan: [Immediately recovering] Thanks, friend.
- Willow: What's that?
- [Sees a mass of soldiers on horses approaching]
- Madmartigan: I'd say two or three hundred horses, five or six wagons... and about a thousand fools.
- Willow: Madmartigan, you never, ever drive that fast with an infant!
- Madmartigan: I just saved that infant's life!
- Willow: Burglekutt, I'm gonna...
- Burglekutt: You're gonna what?
- [Willow is silent]
- Burglekutt: AH HA HA HA HA!
- Willow: Some day, Burglekutt! Some day!
- [Willow has arrived in Fin Raziel's island]
- Willow: [looking around] Fin? Fin Raziel?
- Fin Raziel: [Fin Raziel appears, in possum form] Who's there? Who calls?
- Willow: Oh! I'm Willow Ufgood... I am looking for Fin Raziel.
- Fin Raziel: I am Fin Raziel.
- Willow: [shocked; seeing that she is a possum] No... That's impossible!
- Fin Raziel: It is possible, since I was cursed by Bavmorda.
- Willow: [to himself; gravely] *Bavmorda.*
- Madmartigan: That's magic? It smells terrible.
- Willow: It's the life spark. It forms...
- Madmartigan: Well, it stinks! This whole thing stinks!
- Madmartigan: Well, looks like I got you here.
- Franjean: You? What did you do?
- Rool: All you did was hang around and eat our eggs.
- Franjean: Don't play with that wand! It holds vast powers. Only a real sorcerer can use it, not a stupid peck like you.
- Madmartigan: [about Elora Danan] She is kinda cute... When she's quiet.
- Willow: She's really a princess.
- Madmartigan: [sarcastically] Really? And you're a great sorcerer... And I'm the king of Cashmir. Go to sleep, Willow.
- Madmartigan: Hey, Mumbo. Jumbo. I am hungry. Go get me some eggs or something.
- Franjean: We are not afraid of you!
- Madmartigan: NOW!
- [Franjean and Rool race off]