This provocative Australian drama takes a sharp look at the games people play, showing how men use women and how one woman, in turn, retaliates by building male egos and then callously deflating them. By day she's a Catholic school teacher, but every weekend on the overnight express to Sidney she dons a different costume and assumes a different personality, luring men to her bed where, after demanding cash, she loves and then leaves them.
The absence of any character names puts the story on an intriguing symbolic level, but all it takes is one tall, dark, and handsome stranger (Colin Friels, playing a Down-Under 007) to have his way with her before the erstwhile heroine turns suddenly submissive, falling headlong into a political assassination plot which is hard to connect to anything preceding it. It's either the longest introduction to a murder mystery, or the lamest ending to what could have been a fascinating character study; either way, the payoff can't hope to match the elaborate set-up.