25 reviews
This is one of several Looney Tunes compilations made by Warner brothers in the 80s, and it was the one I watched the most- and still do when it's on TV- as a youth. It's another example from the others of old 50s cartoons put together into a plot that is meant just to string one short to the next, with Mel Blanc's obviously inconsistent voice filling in. Not that his voice at 80 is hard to take at all, but it does become jarring on repeat viewings to suddenly get that age gap just in-between lines of dialog, as if we as the audience didn't notice. The story for the film springs off from a short where Daffy- selling goofy objects on the cheap- tries to sucker JP Cubish for all of his loot by getting him to laugh (which he does finally, hilariously, by getting hit with pies). He leaves his fortune to Daffy with the provision that he use it in a 'service' kind of fashion. So, he opens up shop as a Ghostbuster racket, hiring out Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig for odd jobs out in Transylvania and haunted houses. It all leads up, in the end, to a humiliation due to a tiny elephant.
Like with the less successful string-together flicks of the early 80's, the storyline that is put together for Quackbusters is less than great, even a little too clunky. As a kid I didn't really put much bother to it, but again on repeat viewings it becomes about as obvious as Sylvester's jitters get. One such example is the very flat and ill-conceived bit where Daffy goes to the possessed woman's place. On the other hand, out of the all of the other animated films put together with the shorts- save for the Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Movie- this has the best shorts. My favorites include when Tweety gets the Heckle & Hyde treatment (very, very funny), or when Sylvester gets terrified by mice under a sheet. But the most indelible lines, in just sheer ludicrous and hysterical, fall-on-the-floor funny parts, are when Bugs tricks around the Blood Count ("Walla-walla-Washington", still gets me every time), and when Bugs and Daffy visit the Imbominable snowman. The film is also topped with a pre-short by a fairly humorous song sung by Mel Torme.
So, if you're one of those fans of Looney Tunes that hasn't seen the compilation films before, this is probably the best place to start, as the sum of the shorts are far greater and worth your time than what might be found in the other string-together films. That it still remains memorable more for the older shorts than the newer material is a credit of the late, great Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, and Robert McKimson (the three ORIGINAL directors of the films, not of the in-between segments).
Like with the less successful string-together flicks of the early 80's, the storyline that is put together for Quackbusters is less than great, even a little too clunky. As a kid I didn't really put much bother to it, but again on repeat viewings it becomes about as obvious as Sylvester's jitters get. One such example is the very flat and ill-conceived bit where Daffy goes to the possessed woman's place. On the other hand, out of the all of the other animated films put together with the shorts- save for the Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Movie- this has the best shorts. My favorites include when Tweety gets the Heckle & Hyde treatment (very, very funny), or when Sylvester gets terrified by mice under a sheet. But the most indelible lines, in just sheer ludicrous and hysterical, fall-on-the-floor funny parts, are when Bugs tricks around the Blood Count ("Walla-walla-Washington", still gets me every time), and when Bugs and Daffy visit the Imbominable snowman. The film is also topped with a pre-short by a fairly humorous song sung by Mel Torme.
So, if you're one of those fans of Looney Tunes that hasn't seen the compilation films before, this is probably the best place to start, as the sum of the shorts are far greater and worth your time than what might be found in the other string-together films. That it still remains memorable more for the older shorts than the newer material is a credit of the late, great Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, and Robert McKimson (the three ORIGINAL directors of the films, not of the in-between segments).
- Quinoa1984
- Aug 2, 2006
- Permalink
As you are fully aware, I am a huge Looney Tunes fan. I can't help it, when I was little, it was an all-time favourite in the household, and at 18 I still love to watch these cartoons. Some are better than others, that I agree with, it's the same with Tom and Jerry pretty much too, but when you watch Looney Tunes you are guaranteed to have great animation, energetic music, wicked humour and amazing vocal characterisations from the one and only Mel Blanc.
As for Daffy Duck's Quackbusters it is a real treat. True, it has one or two slow moments and one or two weak links, particularly the link before the Duxorcist(one of about two cartoons I knew nothing about before I watched this compilation film), where I wasn't completely sure whether the cartoon had started already or not. That said, out of all the compilation films this one has the best premise and I think overall storyline. Plus it is the overall best paced, as it does move swiftly in general.
The animation is in general very nice, more in the cartoons than in the edited bits, but the film does have some nice colourful backgrounds and also some atmospheric and spooky ones. The music is playful and energetic as well, though the song Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives from the beginning short Night of the Living Duck was very interesting and beautifully sung by Mel Torme. The cartoon itself was an interesting start to the film.
I loved the humour too. All the Looney Tunes films have good to great humour, that sticks relatively close to the cartoons, and this is no exception. I loved the material in 1001 Rabbit Tales, I liked it even more here, in both the dialogue and sight gags it was fresh and witty like Looney Tunes humour should be. This is evident in the cartoons especially, Transylvania 6-5000 has really great dark, subtle humour particularly from the Count, and in The Abominable Snow Rabbit with the Abominable Snowman when he mistakes Daffy for a rabbit and starts naming him George. The Duxorcist was also interesting, and it was nice to see Water Water Every Hare and Hyde and Go Tweet(although that had a concept that had been done to death I was impressed how fresh and clever it was), while Claws for Alarm was very creepy and atmospheric almost as creepy as Scaredy Cat, which creeped me out big time. Daffy Dilly is a lot of fun, and is very relevant to the story, I especially loved it for the ending, while Prize Pest was also very well done. In fact, the weakest one was Punch Trunk, I still liked it don't get me wrong it was very sweet with an adorable tiny elephant but it was on the undemanding side and not as memorable as the others.
The characters are wonderful. Daffy of course is the star, like Bugs was in 1001 Rabbit Tales, while Bugs is impressive too. It was also nice to see Porky, Sylvester and Tweety, while the Count in Transylvania 6-5000 is also very memorable. The voice work is spot on, particularly with Mel Blanc who is superb in his final set of vocal performances. I can't help mention Mel Blanc constantly when praising these cartoons, it's just that his voices are a big part of their success and I think it is right to think he is one of the greatest voice actors who ever lived, he was that amazing and very rarely disappointed. Yes even with lacklustre material(like it was in some of the Speedy Gonzales cartoons) he put 100% into everything he did.
Overall, a slightly uneven but on the whole delightful compilation film. 8/10 Bethany Cox
As for Daffy Duck's Quackbusters it is a real treat. True, it has one or two slow moments and one or two weak links, particularly the link before the Duxorcist(one of about two cartoons I knew nothing about before I watched this compilation film), where I wasn't completely sure whether the cartoon had started already or not. That said, out of all the compilation films this one has the best premise and I think overall storyline. Plus it is the overall best paced, as it does move swiftly in general.
The animation is in general very nice, more in the cartoons than in the edited bits, but the film does have some nice colourful backgrounds and also some atmospheric and spooky ones. The music is playful and energetic as well, though the song Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives from the beginning short Night of the Living Duck was very interesting and beautifully sung by Mel Torme. The cartoon itself was an interesting start to the film.
I loved the humour too. All the Looney Tunes films have good to great humour, that sticks relatively close to the cartoons, and this is no exception. I loved the material in 1001 Rabbit Tales, I liked it even more here, in both the dialogue and sight gags it was fresh and witty like Looney Tunes humour should be. This is evident in the cartoons especially, Transylvania 6-5000 has really great dark, subtle humour particularly from the Count, and in The Abominable Snow Rabbit with the Abominable Snowman when he mistakes Daffy for a rabbit and starts naming him George. The Duxorcist was also interesting, and it was nice to see Water Water Every Hare and Hyde and Go Tweet(although that had a concept that had been done to death I was impressed how fresh and clever it was), while Claws for Alarm was very creepy and atmospheric almost as creepy as Scaredy Cat, which creeped me out big time. Daffy Dilly is a lot of fun, and is very relevant to the story, I especially loved it for the ending, while Prize Pest was also very well done. In fact, the weakest one was Punch Trunk, I still liked it don't get me wrong it was very sweet with an adorable tiny elephant but it was on the undemanding side and not as memorable as the others.
The characters are wonderful. Daffy of course is the star, like Bugs was in 1001 Rabbit Tales, while Bugs is impressive too. It was also nice to see Porky, Sylvester and Tweety, while the Count in Transylvania 6-5000 is also very memorable. The voice work is spot on, particularly with Mel Blanc who is superb in his final set of vocal performances. I can't help mention Mel Blanc constantly when praising these cartoons, it's just that his voices are a big part of their success and I think it is right to think he is one of the greatest voice actors who ever lived, he was that amazing and very rarely disappointed. Yes even with lacklustre material(like it was in some of the Speedy Gonzales cartoons) he put 100% into everything he did.
Overall, a slightly uneven but on the whole delightful compilation film. 8/10 Bethany Cox
- TheLittleSongbird
- Jul 15, 2010
- Permalink
Occasionally, you'll dig up a movie that exists in your life without anyone else to whom you've talked about it, and without ever having read a word about it from a critic. I was a child when I would watch this silly little cartoon patchwork in my basement full of VHS's, before there was an IMDb for me to go to surfing around for trivia. Now, it is a rare avenue of escape for me. Every other movie I can recall watching in my adult life, despite whatever genre, cast, production history or director, has some sort of cultural connection to the outside world. Except for this.
Daffy Duck's Quackbusters is not a great movie, nor is it much of a good one, but that doesn't matter to me. In some indescribable way, it has a placebo effect because all I've ever known of it has been as a videotape in a yellow-sleeve with Warner Bros. heading that my parents must've grabbed for me at Half-Price Books a lifetime ago. I would watch it repeatedly as a young kid with no developed need for coherent plot progression, beginnings, middles, ends, any capacity to judge performances, frame compositions, narrative consistency or whether a comedy sketch could hold up as a concept at all were it not comprised of anthropomorphic animals with goofy stereotypical voices.
What are we laughing at when Daffy arrives at the manse of J.P. Cubish only to have every endeavor to enter thwarted by Cubish's jowly British bloodhound butler? The fact that the butler inexplicably uses whatever means necessary to ban Daffy from the premises? That is after all the core of the matter. Is it just the incidental slapstick schemes Daffy impetuously uses to outwit the butler? Well, not exactly. It's not so much what is happening as that it is happening at all. In the world of Looney Tunes, character motives don't exist. Neither does an actual story, despite the fact they are probably he most accessible and popular short films in movie history. It is simply that these are outlandish drawings, portraying wildly embellished actions endowed with the arbitrary freedom not to have consequences, disdaining any and all laws of physics, until the characters realize their dilemmas.
This is why Daffy Duck's Quackbusters can work. It is no more than a compilation of classic Looney Tunes shorts bridged by original sequences which clearly look and sound different than the found cartoons, which don't even always look and sound like each other. However, as well as the original opening credits sequence, the original storyline is very funny. After a completely unrelated musical dream sequence starring the eponymous duck and various likenesses of horror film icons, a desperately entrepreneurial Daffy makes an ailing millionaire die laughing, inadvertently after all his conscious attempts to make him laugh have failed, and inherits a fortune. But the millionaire Cubish's spirit scrutinizes all of Daffy's cavalier decisions now that he's rich, and as punishment each time makes some of the money disappear. So Daffy decides to placate Cubish's ghost so that he can keep the money long enough to start a business not unlike the Ghostbusters, ostensibly so that he can eventually eliminate Cubish and not have to worry about any more evaporating money.
So here we have a clear case of character motivation making a story hilarious. And yet, these very minimally constructed scenes are meant mainly to trigger the already done segments of stand-alone classic Bugs, Porky, Sylvester and Tweety, etc., most of which are funny, though the misnomers are still watchable for those nostalgic, atmospheric reasons, and yet they aren't at all funny because they complement Daffy's premise. They simply have some correlation with paranormal activity. Whatever happens in those segments happens and then back to the bridging sequences we go and around again. This is all to say, Quackbusters, as a story like that which movies tend to fundamentally aim to be, is catastrophically uneven and incoherent, but as a dated, tangible artifact, it is wondrously entertaining.
Daffy Duck's Quackbusters is not a great movie, nor is it much of a good one, but that doesn't matter to me. In some indescribable way, it has a placebo effect because all I've ever known of it has been as a videotape in a yellow-sleeve with Warner Bros. heading that my parents must've grabbed for me at Half-Price Books a lifetime ago. I would watch it repeatedly as a young kid with no developed need for coherent plot progression, beginnings, middles, ends, any capacity to judge performances, frame compositions, narrative consistency or whether a comedy sketch could hold up as a concept at all were it not comprised of anthropomorphic animals with goofy stereotypical voices.
What are we laughing at when Daffy arrives at the manse of J.P. Cubish only to have every endeavor to enter thwarted by Cubish's jowly British bloodhound butler? The fact that the butler inexplicably uses whatever means necessary to ban Daffy from the premises? That is after all the core of the matter. Is it just the incidental slapstick schemes Daffy impetuously uses to outwit the butler? Well, not exactly. It's not so much what is happening as that it is happening at all. In the world of Looney Tunes, character motives don't exist. Neither does an actual story, despite the fact they are probably he most accessible and popular short films in movie history. It is simply that these are outlandish drawings, portraying wildly embellished actions endowed with the arbitrary freedom not to have consequences, disdaining any and all laws of physics, until the characters realize their dilemmas.
This is why Daffy Duck's Quackbusters can work. It is no more than a compilation of classic Looney Tunes shorts bridged by original sequences which clearly look and sound different than the found cartoons, which don't even always look and sound like each other. However, as well as the original opening credits sequence, the original storyline is very funny. After a completely unrelated musical dream sequence starring the eponymous duck and various likenesses of horror film icons, a desperately entrepreneurial Daffy makes an ailing millionaire die laughing, inadvertently after all his conscious attempts to make him laugh have failed, and inherits a fortune. But the millionaire Cubish's spirit scrutinizes all of Daffy's cavalier decisions now that he's rich, and as punishment each time makes some of the money disappear. So Daffy decides to placate Cubish's ghost so that he can keep the money long enough to start a business not unlike the Ghostbusters, ostensibly so that he can eventually eliminate Cubish and not have to worry about any more evaporating money.
So here we have a clear case of character motivation making a story hilarious. And yet, these very minimally constructed scenes are meant mainly to trigger the already done segments of stand-alone classic Bugs, Porky, Sylvester and Tweety, etc., most of which are funny, though the misnomers are still watchable for those nostalgic, atmospheric reasons, and yet they aren't at all funny because they complement Daffy's premise. They simply have some correlation with paranormal activity. Whatever happens in those segments happens and then back to the bridging sequences we go and around again. This is all to say, Quackbusters, as a story like that which movies tend to fundamentally aim to be, is catastrophically uneven and incoherent, but as a dated, tangible artifact, it is wondrously entertaining.
There were quite a few of these "movies" made during mainly the 1980's and they were all basically the same thing. A bunch of the original shorts tied together by some new animation featuring those crazy characters. However, some of the shorts are not fully in there, and the new animation sequences are quite weak compared to the old shorts which makes one probably want to just watch the old shorts again. This movie's theme is basically a ghostbuster kind of theme with Daffy Duck taking the helm. I would enjoy this except it is not the old really Daffy Duck, but the newer less daffy and more smartaleck one. The new stuff is basically copying the "Ghostbusters" movie especially the scene where the female duck is possessed. Still, the shorts are funny as we have some involving Porky pig and Sylvester and Bugs and that Snowman dude. All in all a rather boring effort on their part creating new stuff that just is not all that good. However, you are still treated to some rather good classic shorts anyway.
Another cartoon compilation?! Yes, and this one's pretty clever. It features Daffy Duck opening a business to battle supernatural forces, a la "Ghostbusters". Probably the funniest part was the cartoon where Bugs Bunny stays in Count Dracula's castle and upsets the count's (after)lifestyle, but it was also really something when the sick millionaire threw all the pies at Daffy, and when Daffy scared Porky. Still, I never quite understood the whole part about the money disappearing.
So, "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" isn't quite the same as the classic cartoons, but it's still worth seeing. Don't be surprised if, after watching this, you go around saying "abracadabra" and "hocus pocus".
If I may add something, the two segments with Sylvester were also neat.
So, "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" isn't quite the same as the classic cartoons, but it's still worth seeing. Don't be surprised if, after watching this, you go around saying "abracadabra" and "hocus pocus".
If I may add something, the two segments with Sylvester were also neat.
- lee_eisenberg
- Aug 11, 2006
- Permalink
Another quick cut-and-paste job by Warner Bros. to generate some quick bucks, "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" is just a wide selection of cartoon shorts starring Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Porky Pig and others. The whole thing is glued together by new animation that features Daffy in some odd situations as he tries to fight paranormal entities that are terrorizing others in the real world. The old cartoons can be caught at most anytime on the Cartoon Network or just about any place else now. Watching the productions as shorts are much better than watching a series in a 90-minute string. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
- jboothmillard
- Jul 11, 2005
- Permalink
"Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" is the best of the Warner compliation films. It is a wacky spoof of horror films and "Ghostbusters" in particular that works extremely well.
The film opens with a new short "Night of the Living Duck" with Daffy Duck entertaining at a monster night club. It is funny and clever and a good start for the feature to come.
The film itself, features shorts shown in their entirety with no edits. A new one "The Duxorcist" is hilarious and four classics are includes: Hyde and Go Tweet" (Tweety transforms to a Hyde-bird combo), Transylvania 6-5000 (Bugs vs, a vampire), Punch Trunk (miniature elephant invades city) and Claws for Alarm (Porky Pig and Sylvester spend a night in a hotel invaded by murderous mice). All are hilarious and worth the price of a rental.
The new footage is really good here. The premise is built on the classic short where Daffy helps a dying millionaire laugh again. The man's ghost reappears whenever Daffy becomes greedy and takes money from Daffy's vault. Daffy decides to start a ghostbusting business to vanquish all monsters and spooks for good. It doesn't work as he plans it.
Like the previous films, kids and adults will both enjoy this film. The shorts are shown complete and uncut, not trimmed as in previous entries and there is a strong sense of humor in the bridging material. This is an exceptional film and the best of the compliation films. You owe it to yourself to see this.
**** out of 4 stars
The film opens with a new short "Night of the Living Duck" with Daffy Duck entertaining at a monster night club. It is funny and clever and a good start for the feature to come.
The film itself, features shorts shown in their entirety with no edits. A new one "The Duxorcist" is hilarious and four classics are includes: Hyde and Go Tweet" (Tweety transforms to a Hyde-bird combo), Transylvania 6-5000 (Bugs vs, a vampire), Punch Trunk (miniature elephant invades city) and Claws for Alarm (Porky Pig and Sylvester spend a night in a hotel invaded by murderous mice). All are hilarious and worth the price of a rental.
The new footage is really good here. The premise is built on the classic short where Daffy helps a dying millionaire laugh again. The man's ghost reappears whenever Daffy becomes greedy and takes money from Daffy's vault. Daffy decides to start a ghostbusting business to vanquish all monsters and spooks for good. It doesn't work as he plans it.
Like the previous films, kids and adults will both enjoy this film. The shorts are shown complete and uncut, not trimmed as in previous entries and there is a strong sense of humor in the bridging material. This is an exceptional film and the best of the compliation films. You owe it to yourself to see this.
**** out of 4 stars
Daffy Duck's QuackBusters is an old animated movie i loved when i was young & watched lots on old video.
Well this "QuackBusters" is actually a compilation of lots of the Spooky-type episodes starring Daffy Duck as the main character but of course other Looney Toons appear in episodes as guests but the "Star" here is the wacky quacky Daffy & he's hilarious as always!!!
I always loved Daffy Duck best of the Toons so of course i loved this compilation film & i also loved anything with monsters or ghosts or Aliens in so of course i loved "QuackBusters" & it still holds up today as a lively & colourful Halloween treat for that spooky time of the year.
The familiar link or thread between episodes is that of Daffy & strange happenings or spooky silliness or monsters & it's simply crazy fun but if you don't like the Looney Toons or don't hold any Nostalgia for the characters then this movie won't appeal to you. I grew up on the wacky Looney Toons & of Course their 90's CLASSIC movie SPACE JAM!!!
The fun name of "QuackBusters" is obviously a fun play on the Ghostbusters films & i loved that as i grew up on the Ghostbusters films so that's why this movie really appealed to me & still does. Ghostbusters 2 is my all time favourite movie.
Now Daffy Duck does later go into business as a Ghostbusters type & it's very fun & that moves it along & feels more like a "movie" rather than a bunch of episodes which is what most of its running time is.
Porky Pig, Sylvester, Tweety & Bugs all pop up to cause mischief & comical mayhem. It is really Cool that Daffy gets an office & starts his paranormal business lol great fun.
Well this "QuackBusters" is actually a compilation of lots of the Spooky-type episodes starring Daffy Duck as the main character but of course other Looney Toons appear in episodes as guests but the "Star" here is the wacky quacky Daffy & he's hilarious as always!!!
I always loved Daffy Duck best of the Toons so of course i loved this compilation film & i also loved anything with monsters or ghosts or Aliens in so of course i loved "QuackBusters" & it still holds up today as a lively & colourful Halloween treat for that spooky time of the year.
The familiar link or thread between episodes is that of Daffy & strange happenings or spooky silliness or monsters & it's simply crazy fun but if you don't like the Looney Toons or don't hold any Nostalgia for the characters then this movie won't appeal to you. I grew up on the wacky Looney Toons & of Course their 90's CLASSIC movie SPACE JAM!!!
The fun name of "QuackBusters" is obviously a fun play on the Ghostbusters films & i loved that as i grew up on the Ghostbusters films so that's why this movie really appealed to me & still does. Ghostbusters 2 is my all time favourite movie.
Now Daffy Duck does later go into business as a Ghostbusters type & it's very fun & that moves it along & feels more like a "movie" rather than a bunch of episodes which is what most of its running time is.
Porky Pig, Sylvester, Tweety & Bugs all pop up to cause mischief & comical mayhem. It is really Cool that Daffy gets an office & starts his paranormal business lol great fun.
- lukem-52760
- Jul 11, 2021
- Permalink
In this final installment of the compilation series, we go out with a bang. Once again, Daffy takes center stage in this clever and funny takeoff on "Ghost Busters" with Daffy, Bugs, Porky and Sylvester taking on everybody from killer mice to evil vampires.
This movie is, quite simply, funny. It is a great spoof of the 1984 comedy classic (not so much a spoof of the story as it is the idea) and most of the cartoons included are some of the funniest among the Looney Tunes canon. Particular highlights include "Daffy's Dilly" and "Prize Pest." Greg Ford and Terry Lennon wisely use vintage sound effects and music cues from the original cartoon and also provide a surprisingly catchy and somber instrumental version of "Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives" with the full song being sung superbly by Mel Torme.
Unfairly dismissed as just another cheap clip show "Quackbusters" is clever, entertaining, funny, and also poignant when one considers this was Mel Blanc's final Looney Tunes movie performance. Another highlight is a great cameo appearance by the forgotten Tune Egghead which provides a nice touch for film buffs.
What it boils down to is that this film is fine family entertainment and is a quality spoof (take note Friedburg and Seltzer). If nothing else, it is at least better than "Ghostbusters II."
This movie is, quite simply, funny. It is a great spoof of the 1984 comedy classic (not so much a spoof of the story as it is the idea) and most of the cartoons included are some of the funniest among the Looney Tunes canon. Particular highlights include "Daffy's Dilly" and "Prize Pest." Greg Ford and Terry Lennon wisely use vintage sound effects and music cues from the original cartoon and also provide a surprisingly catchy and somber instrumental version of "Monsters Lead Such Interesting Lives" with the full song being sung superbly by Mel Torme.
Unfairly dismissed as just another cheap clip show "Quackbusters" is clever, entertaining, funny, and also poignant when one considers this was Mel Blanc's final Looney Tunes movie performance. Another highlight is a great cameo appearance by the forgotten Tune Egghead which provides a nice touch for film buffs.
What it boils down to is that this film is fine family entertainment and is a quality spoof (take note Friedburg and Seltzer). If nothing else, it is at least better than "Ghostbusters II."
Since I was a little kid, I loved the Looney Tunes characters.
Until this very day, I always find those classic animated shorts to be incredibly funny, clever and imaginative. The Looney Tunes shorts are timeless classics, that could be compared with the work of comedy geniuses as Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton and The Marx Brothers.
in the late 1970s-1980s, Warner Bros. made a series of five compilation films, which blended classic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts (post-1948/pre-1964) with newly made animation. One of the most common criticizing facts of these movies is that the cartoons are often edited (i.e. scenes being deleted, replacement dialogue, and so) to fit the premise of the film.
However, I think that "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" it's the best of all those compilation films. It did a much better work connecting those classic animated shorts with the new story than "Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island". It also included two new Daffy's animated shorts: "Night of the Living Duck" and "The Duxorcist".
When I saw this film for the first time as a little kid, I enjoyed it a lot. Then, some years later, I watched again, as an adult, and I still enjoyed it. It is a good, funny film that works very well.
Until this very day, I always find those classic animated shorts to be incredibly funny, clever and imaginative. The Looney Tunes shorts are timeless classics, that could be compared with the work of comedy geniuses as Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton and The Marx Brothers.
in the late 1970s-1980s, Warner Bros. made a series of five compilation films, which blended classic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts (post-1948/pre-1964) with newly made animation. One of the most common criticizing facts of these movies is that the cartoons are often edited (i.e. scenes being deleted, replacement dialogue, and so) to fit the premise of the film.
However, I think that "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" it's the best of all those compilation films. It did a much better work connecting those classic animated shorts with the new story than "Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island". It also included two new Daffy's animated shorts: "Night of the Living Duck" and "The Duxorcist".
When I saw this film for the first time as a little kid, I enjoyed it a lot. Then, some years later, I watched again, as an adult, and I still enjoyed it. It is a good, funny film that works very well.
- Rectangular_businessman
- Jun 10, 2011
- Permalink
Daffy Duck opens a "ghostbusting" service and employs Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig. This is just an excuse to link together some old Warner Bros. cartoons dealing with monsters, ghosts and such. The new material is dreadful--full of bad jokes and so-so animation. Even worse is almost all the cartoons they picked are pretty bad. The worst is with Daffy as "The Duxorcist". The best is Porky and Sylvester spending the night in a haunted hotel. Since these were made at different eras the animation varies from OK to excellent. Kids might enjoy this but the best way to see these cartoons are one at a time--not all mashed together with poor connection material. I give this a 3.
This is one of a series of movies collecting several Warner Bros. cartoons with a wrap-around story. In this one, the cartoons all involve supernatural or horror elements. Of those collected, the best is "Punch Trunk" (a Chuck Jones classic!) in which a tiny elephant is spotted all over town. Also good is the new short created for the film, "The Duxorcist," in which Daffy Duck tries to exorcise a gorgeous client. The wrap-around sequences, however, are less interesting and don't provide the anarchy and big laughs of the Warner Bros. classics.
- Tenchi64589
- Feb 4, 2006
- Permalink
Daffy Duck - Ghost-buster extraordinare.
At least according to "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters", a gem of a film that brings back the Daffy that we all know and love (the slickster that isn't all that slick) to fight against ghosts, ghouls and gremlins that infest our everyday life. Along with Porky Pig, Sylvester the Cat and Bugs Bunny (he just can't stay out of movies, can he?), he helps (or at least tries to) eliminate the excess fright quotient in his neighborhood.
There are so many great Warner Brothers cartoons strung together here that watching them will be as much a treat now than when most of you (okay, and I) were younger. The linking material may be weak, but it's still good to hear Mel Blanc in full voice as all the characters we know and love, and to see Daffy, Bugs and the gang up to their old tricks.
If you love cartoons you gotta catch this one. And if you love Daffy, you probably own it. Good for you.
Ten stars and a Chicken Inspector badge for "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters", the film that'll really make you quack up.
At least according to "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters", a gem of a film that brings back the Daffy that we all know and love (the slickster that isn't all that slick) to fight against ghosts, ghouls and gremlins that infest our everyday life. Along with Porky Pig, Sylvester the Cat and Bugs Bunny (he just can't stay out of movies, can he?), he helps (or at least tries to) eliminate the excess fright quotient in his neighborhood.
There are so many great Warner Brothers cartoons strung together here that watching them will be as much a treat now than when most of you (okay, and I) were younger. The linking material may be weak, but it's still good to hear Mel Blanc in full voice as all the characters we know and love, and to see Daffy, Bugs and the gang up to their old tricks.
If you love cartoons you gotta catch this one. And if you love Daffy, you probably own it. Good for you.
Ten stars and a Chicken Inspector badge for "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters", the film that'll really make you quack up.
Daffy Duck's Quackbusters is a cute and funny movie!It consist of several older cartoons.The short animated feature before the movie is really good.There's just about everything in this movie and its great for kinds and adults.Its perfect to watch around the Halloween season!The box it comes in is really coo1!f you haven't already seen Daffy's movie then check it out!You'll quack up!
- Movie Nuttball
- Jul 15, 2003
- Permalink
This is yet another old Looney Tunes classic that I have treasured for years and watch when I can. I'd really recommend it to Daffy Duck fans since the movie brings back some old throwback episodes with slight edits. You can clearly tell when the old scenes and the new scenes are meshing with one another due to the animation, but I wasn't too bothered by that.
Daffy is on his way to millionaire J.P. Cubish's house to try and make him laugh one last time. If he does so, Cubish will give him one million dollars. I'm not going to reveal anything else since that is not my style (it's also against the rules here to do so without putting up a warning, I believe), but you'll see for yourself how good the movie is if you watch it.
Daffy is on his way to millionaire J.P. Cubish's house to try and make him laugh one last time. If he does so, Cubish will give him one million dollars. I'm not going to reveal anything else since that is not my style (it's also against the rules here to do so without putting up a warning, I believe), but you'll see for yourself how good the movie is if you watch it.
This is one of my favorite Looney Tune Movies.
Involves Daffy Duck inheriting a Million bucks and starts his own Super Natural Investigator Company. The "Daffy Duck QuackBusters", associated with Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig.
This movie contains footage from some old Looney Tune Shorts and they just blend them together to make it a large movie.
Has Mel Blanc doing some of the voices in the movie as well.
It's really cool to see. Recommended for all the Fiz Freleng and Chuck Jones fans.
If the DVD release is ever made get it!
Involves Daffy Duck inheriting a Million bucks and starts his own Super Natural Investigator Company. The "Daffy Duck QuackBusters", associated with Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig.
This movie contains footage from some old Looney Tune Shorts and they just blend them together to make it a large movie.
Has Mel Blanc doing some of the voices in the movie as well.
It's really cool to see. Recommended for all the Fiz Freleng and Chuck Jones fans.
If the DVD release is ever made get it!
- emasterslake
- Oct 16, 2005
- Permalink
In much the same way like any franchise cross-over event, Warner Bros.' 1988 Greg Ford-/Terry Lennon-directed supernatural comedy-horror-themed "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" is a thematic combination of classic WB Looney Tunes mixed in with "Ghostbusters" (1984). The only thing is, of course, is that it's not really a franchise cross-over, but rather it's a compilation film comprised of classic Warner Bros. "Looney Tunes" shorts mixed in with newly shot animated sequences featuring long-time voice performer Mel Blanc voicing a number of classic Looney Tunes characters for the last time before his death on July 10th, 1989 - less than a year after the film's release on September 24th, 1988.
If you're a young kid watching this movie, you'll get a kick out of the story (especially if you like ghost stories and, well, "Ghostbusters"). You'll also get the chance to enjoy the film-exclusive short "The Night of the Living Duck," which was shot specifically for the film and precedes the main feature. If you're an adult, you'll also get your laughs from the story, characters and cooky situations, but you may be jarred by the glaring inconsistencies in the overall quality of the animation (which frequently goes from the contemporary animation to the older cartoon animation and then back again - sometimes in less than 10 seconds in some spots) and the voice characterizations (which, again, feature older animation spliced together with newly animated sequences with voice performances from two or three decades earlier in the '40s, '50s and '60s mixed in with modern-day voice-over performances, or have older sequences re-dubbed with present-day voice performers).
Honestly, that's the only real downside to an otherwise entertaining though inherently perfect animated venture (because let's be honest here, with the passage of time and the integration of old footage into newly shot animated sequences, tonal and voice characterization inconsistencies are unavoidable).
"Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" has a story-line inspired by "Ghostbusters" and classic E. C. Comics horror stories: Daffy Duck is hired to be the personal court jester of the reclusive dying millionaire J. P. Cubish, who hopes for one last good laugh before he passes on. Daffy is then left with the bulk of Cubish's personal fortune upon his death, which includes the stipulation that Daffy uses the money to provide a service to the community. If he doesn't comply with the terms of his will, Cubish will posthumously reclaim his fortune. So, in turn, he then establishes his own paranormal detective agency - with Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig as his sole employees - and animated hilarity ensues as they encounter ghosts, vampires, evil scientists, possessed dames, and even The Abominable Snowman!
"Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" was a childhood favorite of mine, and it still is. As stated earlier, the only real downside to the whole experience are the jarring transitions between old and new animated footage that will really only become apparent if you're an eagle-eyed/dog-eared adult watching it. It also doesn't pretend to be anything more than what it is: a comedy-horror-themed "Looney Tunes" venture. Beyond that, it's my favorite "Looney Tunes" compilation film.
If you're a young kid watching this movie, you'll get a kick out of the story (especially if you like ghost stories and, well, "Ghostbusters"). You'll also get the chance to enjoy the film-exclusive short "The Night of the Living Duck," which was shot specifically for the film and precedes the main feature. If you're an adult, you'll also get your laughs from the story, characters and cooky situations, but you may be jarred by the glaring inconsistencies in the overall quality of the animation (which frequently goes from the contemporary animation to the older cartoon animation and then back again - sometimes in less than 10 seconds in some spots) and the voice characterizations (which, again, feature older animation spliced together with newly animated sequences with voice performances from two or three decades earlier in the '40s, '50s and '60s mixed in with modern-day voice-over performances, or have older sequences re-dubbed with present-day voice performers).
Honestly, that's the only real downside to an otherwise entertaining though inherently perfect animated venture (because let's be honest here, with the passage of time and the integration of old footage into newly shot animated sequences, tonal and voice characterization inconsistencies are unavoidable).
"Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" has a story-line inspired by "Ghostbusters" and classic E. C. Comics horror stories: Daffy Duck is hired to be the personal court jester of the reclusive dying millionaire J. P. Cubish, who hopes for one last good laugh before he passes on. Daffy is then left with the bulk of Cubish's personal fortune upon his death, which includes the stipulation that Daffy uses the money to provide a service to the community. If he doesn't comply with the terms of his will, Cubish will posthumously reclaim his fortune. So, in turn, he then establishes his own paranormal detective agency - with Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig as his sole employees - and animated hilarity ensues as they encounter ghosts, vampires, evil scientists, possessed dames, and even The Abominable Snowman!
"Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" was a childhood favorite of mine, and it still is. As stated earlier, the only real downside to the whole experience are the jarring transitions between old and new animated footage that will really only become apparent if you're an eagle-eyed/dog-eared adult watching it. It also doesn't pretend to be anything more than what it is: a comedy-horror-themed "Looney Tunes" venture. Beyond that, it's my favorite "Looney Tunes" compilation film.
Yes its the BEST looney tunes movie. The other honorable mention being Bugs and Roadrunner Movie.. it was spoiled on a lot of use because terrible precursors like fantasy island etc made us wrench a few years prior. However this one is actually kind of good. Not to mention basically a finale for Mel Blanc. Worth checking out! The other reviewers cant honestly tell all the old skits from the wraparound story.. duxorcist was a year prior and reworked as the bulk of the wraparound story but was not canon to quackbusters..
- smackmeoff
- Aug 9, 2018
- Permalink
During the 80s and early 90s, Warner Bros. produced a number of "clip-show"
movies, consisting of our favorite Looney Tunes facing new challenges, but the majority of the footage was taken from classic cartoons. Some of the others
included "Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island", "The Looney Looney Bugs
Bunny Movie", & "Bugs Bunny's Third Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales". However, this one tops them all as best, using the clips to their full potential.
The show starts with the cartoon "Daffy Dilly", in which Daffy is selling novelty gags on the side of the road and hears over the radio that ailing millionaire J.P Cubish will pay a fortune to anyone who can make him laugh one more time
before he passes on. We watch the cartoon, which would normally end with
Cubish throwing pies at Daffy, but the movie picks it right up, and shows that Daffy has inherited the bulk of Cubish's fortune (he died laughing). However, the will says Daffy must use the money to help the community and provide the
service... yeah, right. After all, it's not like Cubish can take him with him, right?
Well, as Daffy finds out... he can. Cubish's ghost returns and starts to take the money, and every time Daffy starts acting up, more money disappears. Finally, the message sinks through and Daffy decides to open up a ghost-catching
business, ala Ghostbusters. He hires Porky (using the popular cartoon "The
Prize Pest"), and Bugs, who only agrees when he hears of the travel
opportunities ("You mean I get to go to Palm Springs?"). However, any time
Daffy threatens to fire his staff or gets greedy, more money vanishes from his vault.
The movie uses some of the "creepiest" Looney Tunes cartoons ever created,
including "Transylvania 6-5000", "The Abominable Snow Rabbit", "Scaredy
Cat", "Hyde & Go Tweet", "The Duxorcist", and others. While it's great to see these classic cartoons, the real fun is watching Daffy try to keep his cool... and his money. Though some younger kids may get scared off whenever Cubish
returns (everything goes dark, clap of thunder and lightning, and the music gets a little creepy), I highly recommend this cartoon for the whole family. Be sure to watch the opening cartoon of "Night of the Living Duck" for a real Halloween- themed treat.
movies, consisting of our favorite Looney Tunes facing new challenges, but the majority of the footage was taken from classic cartoons. Some of the others
included "Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island", "The Looney Looney Bugs
Bunny Movie", & "Bugs Bunny's Third Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales". However, this one tops them all as best, using the clips to their full potential.
The show starts with the cartoon "Daffy Dilly", in which Daffy is selling novelty gags on the side of the road and hears over the radio that ailing millionaire J.P Cubish will pay a fortune to anyone who can make him laugh one more time
before he passes on. We watch the cartoon, which would normally end with
Cubish throwing pies at Daffy, but the movie picks it right up, and shows that Daffy has inherited the bulk of Cubish's fortune (he died laughing). However, the will says Daffy must use the money to help the community and provide the
service... yeah, right. After all, it's not like Cubish can take him with him, right?
Well, as Daffy finds out... he can. Cubish's ghost returns and starts to take the money, and every time Daffy starts acting up, more money disappears. Finally, the message sinks through and Daffy decides to open up a ghost-catching
business, ala Ghostbusters. He hires Porky (using the popular cartoon "The
Prize Pest"), and Bugs, who only agrees when he hears of the travel
opportunities ("You mean I get to go to Palm Springs?"). However, any time
Daffy threatens to fire his staff or gets greedy, more money vanishes from his vault.
The movie uses some of the "creepiest" Looney Tunes cartoons ever created,
including "Transylvania 6-5000", "The Abominable Snow Rabbit", "Scaredy
Cat", "Hyde & Go Tweet", "The Duxorcist", and others. While it's great to see these classic cartoons, the real fun is watching Daffy try to keep his cool... and his money. Though some younger kids may get scared off whenever Cubish
returns (everything goes dark, clap of thunder and lightning, and the music gets a little creepy), I highly recommend this cartoon for the whole family. Be sure to watch the opening cartoon of "Night of the Living Duck" for a real Halloween- themed treat.
Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988) is the fifth and final Looney Tunes compilation movie to receive a theatrical release and it was a lot of fun.
Positives for Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988): The movie has an interesting setup where Daffy Duck is trying make some money and doing all these jobs. It does lead to some nice transitions into the Looney Tunes shorts. I love seeing Daffy Duck getting all stressed out from the stuff he's been doing. I also liked the opening short as it's one of my favorite Daffy Duck shorts. And finally, I loved seeing Daffy Duck falling in his face when he has no more money while everyone else is being successful and striving in the world.
Negatives for Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988): There are time where I did lose some interest in the story. I'm just not as invested in Daffy Duck when it comes to his struggles with money.
Overall, Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988) is a fun Looney Tunes compilation movie and it was a nice conclusion to these movies from the Looney Tunes.
Positives for Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988): The movie has an interesting setup where Daffy Duck is trying make some money and doing all these jobs. It does lead to some nice transitions into the Looney Tunes shorts. I love seeing Daffy Duck getting all stressed out from the stuff he's been doing. I also liked the opening short as it's one of my favorite Daffy Duck shorts. And finally, I loved seeing Daffy Duck falling in his face when he has no more money while everyone else is being successful and striving in the world.
Negatives for Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988): There are time where I did lose some interest in the story. I'm just not as invested in Daffy Duck when it comes to his struggles with money.
Overall, Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (1988) is a fun Looney Tunes compilation movie and it was a nice conclusion to these movies from the Looney Tunes.
- jared-25331
- Mar 2, 2025
- Permalink
Daffy Duck's Quackbusters is a hysterical and hilarious movie featuring the classic Warner Bros. characters: Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Sylvester, Tweety and of course Daffy Duck. Much of the movie includes clips from the old shorts to create a story about Daffy Duck against super natural forces. The new animated parts for this show are not as funny as the old clips however. All an all, I'd call this movie a classic.
Daffy Duck, he's just my favorite Looney Tunes character, and his movie is one of Warner Bros.'s best animated films.
Everyone should watch this movie at least once, highly recommend it.
- afonsobritofalves
- May 23, 2019
- Permalink
My review was written in September 1988 after a Chelsea screening in Manhattan.
The fifth of WB's animated compilation films to be released this decade, "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" is an entertaining effort. Effect wears thin on the big screen but pic will make noise in ancillary markets.
Overall concept and new footage directed by Greg Ford and Terry Lennon has Daffy Duck inheriting a fortune from J. P. Cubish, but is haunted by the skinflint's ghost. Our hero forms an exorcising company, Ghosts 'R' Us, hiring pals Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny as assistants, and within this framework eleven WB cartoons dealing vaguely with the supernatural are packaged.
Most of the shorts were directed by Chuck Jones, with his trademark chases and falls on view, with Sylvester and Tweety Pie also featured. Transitions to new footage are okay, although the stalwart Mel Blanc's voice changes slightly for Porky Pig and Daffy, and the color varies detectably.
Ford and Lennon's structuring of the material works except for several "commercial breaks" of Daffy hawking his wares on tv which accentuate the episodic format.
Besides the classic cartoons, including Chuck Jones' "The Abominable Snow Rabbit" (with his monster parodying Lenny in "Of Mice and Men") plus Friz Freleng's "Hyde and Go Tweet" (fiff on "Dr. Jekyll") and Robert McKimson's "Prize Pest", film is highlighted by inclusion of Ford and Lennon's 1987 "The Duxorcist", a funny and hip parody in which Mel Blanc is well supported by B. J. Ward in the vocal department.
Feature's prolog consists of stand-alone new short "The Night of the Living Duck" (in which Mel Torme provides Daffy with a nightclub singing voice), also directed by Ford and Lennon.
The fifth of WB's animated compilation films to be released this decade, "Daffy Duck's Quackbusters" is an entertaining effort. Effect wears thin on the big screen but pic will make noise in ancillary markets.
Overall concept and new footage directed by Greg Ford and Terry Lennon has Daffy Duck inheriting a fortune from J. P. Cubish, but is haunted by the skinflint's ghost. Our hero forms an exorcising company, Ghosts 'R' Us, hiring pals Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny as assistants, and within this framework eleven WB cartoons dealing vaguely with the supernatural are packaged.
Most of the shorts were directed by Chuck Jones, with his trademark chases and falls on view, with Sylvester and Tweety Pie also featured. Transitions to new footage are okay, although the stalwart Mel Blanc's voice changes slightly for Porky Pig and Daffy, and the color varies detectably.
Ford and Lennon's structuring of the material works except for several "commercial breaks" of Daffy hawking his wares on tv which accentuate the episodic format.
Besides the classic cartoons, including Chuck Jones' "The Abominable Snow Rabbit" (with his monster parodying Lenny in "Of Mice and Men") plus Friz Freleng's "Hyde and Go Tweet" (fiff on "Dr. Jekyll") and Robert McKimson's "Prize Pest", film is highlighted by inclusion of Ford and Lennon's 1987 "The Duxorcist", a funny and hip parody in which Mel Blanc is well supported by B. J. Ward in the vocal department.
Feature's prolog consists of stand-alone new short "The Night of the Living Duck" (in which Mel Torme provides Daffy with a nightclub singing voice), also directed by Ford and Lennon.